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What's the 240000 deaths CNN talking about.
You're going to get whiplash if you're still letting the cdc jerk you around
What would an air purifier help with? Like I'm not sure where you would put it that it would protect you at all. Unless you're going to carry it on your shoulder like a boom box?
"Gonna go fill bubble boy"? LOL
People already went off the deep end with "protecting themselves from the virus".
I am hoping to never see them emerge, frankly.
They'll be feral and might bite.
All they updated was the nuanced language between it being “airborne” vs aerosolized through human saliva which can linger in the air. Laymen use those concepts interchangeably but medically there are drastically different implications. The short of it is that you don’t need an air filter in your home. What you do need to be mindful of is that even if you’re walking out on a city street, there’s no guarantee that it isn’t still lingering in the air from someone who was in that area 15 mins ago
Oh good grief, you started well and ended up ridiculous. Stop spreading fear. No sane doctor will tell you that aerosolized particles which “linger in the air for 15 min” in OPEN AIR will be 1. Sufficiently concentrated to infect you; 2. Even viable (due to sunlight, humidity, etc.). They may be present, that doesn’t mean they’re still contagious.
Yes, there is a difference between droplets (literally your spit when you sneeze) and aerosols (anything from you just breathing), but this isn’t drastically new. It’s been said for a long time that covid is likely carried through aerosols, the only reason we didn’t focus on that part is because aerosols are small enough to easily pass through masks, and it would obviously be detrimental to the habit of mask-wearing to focus the conversation on aerosols. There have literally been studies on outbreaks, and almost none ever started outdoors.
An air purifier won’t get rid of the virus because it’s too small. Air purifiers get rid of particulate matter like dust or ash particles from wildfire smoke, for example, which are orders of magnitude larger than a virus. There are some air purifiers with a “UV” mode but it’s a gimmick
Rising Star
Rising Star
I got an IQ Air purifier after the horrible smell in my apt from 9/11. This machine worked without issue for 18 years, and last year I sent it in for an upgrade when the motor started to go. I doubt it affects your risk for Covid, but it seems to help with allergies.