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New opening: As a Senior Designer/Art Director, are you looking for client diversity? Spyglass consults with healthcare to travel, education to med tech, SaaS to CPG. And numerous nonprofits.
Show us your holistic view of the brand experience. Concept, direct, and design for digital and print, display and spaces. Let's talk today about this hybrid role in Minneapolis!
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Can someone recommend a good starting point on how to go around solving case interviews? What frameworks should I follow? I am kinda new to case interview and want to develop skills to solve them. Any books, online sources would be really appreciable. Deloitte EY-Parthenon Strategy& McKinsey & Company Boston Consulting Group Bain & Company
Sorry..dumb question did you find about u maxing out 401k contri ?
Checked paycheck, found low contribution amount, checked 401k account and found I reached the max contribution (19,500)
I try to avoid this because I miss out on the company match for each pay period I’m not contributing. You may want to consider that OP and perhaps contribute post tax $ if it makes sense
Check with your plan administrator to know for is pretty common.
How much % do you put in for it to max out by EOY?
I was contributing a specific percentage that would have maxed out at the end of December, however I didn’t calculate in bonuses which are the reason why my contributions maxed earlier.