Work in a NYC law firm. A lawyer I’ve had close contact with tested positive on Monday. We have an “optional” work from home policy. Partner made it clear he expects me in the office still. So I was.

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Save the emails.




Avoid contact with everyone EXCEPT the partner that forced you to come in








RIP everyone in your office.


How many partners work in your office and how many did you inform? I would tell others that you trust. Actually, personally, I would email all the partners and say that you are happy to come in, but you wanted all to be aware of the situation as you believe it is dangerous to the health and safety of the office and community, and ask that everyone keep their distance from you. I suspect other partners may step in. This is obviously a risky move to your career if the partner at issue has political power and/or you are a below average associate, but I think it’s the morally correct response and one that could save lives.


Sneeze on him.


Just straight up lick his face


It's likely the partner is in the risk factor section. I'd work REAL close with them 🤪 maybe even bring them coffee


Did that lawyer work at your firm?


That’s an OSHA issue...




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