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I am holding multiple offers with different roles and different locations.
Please help me make a right choice in terms of Work life balance, growth and learning.
My Preferred location is Hyderabad.
WNS Global Services : Assistant Manager Machine Learning (17+3.40)-Bangalore
EXL : Consultant-2 ML ops( 20.5(fixed +pp)+1.9)+2L joining bonus- Hyderabad
Hotstar : Data Ads strategy Analyst( 21+3)+ 1L joining bonus- Mumbai
Tiger Analytics: ML engineer(22+2)- Hyderabad
Any advice on how to approach your Google manager about turning your role into 60% part-time (3 days/week)? I know there is business need for role, so would be hit to the team, but I’m feeling burn out hard and don’t see how I can last much longer. Figure it would be better to go part time than leave altogether, but can’t really say that to my manager. Any way to explore this without blowing everything up?
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Hust wondering where I went wrong 🤷♂️
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Good headhunter for PE ops roles?
Are you happy?
Associate, most likely
Senior associate my g
And that’s if you’re lucky
Wtf really?
Correct. Do you know how to lead QoE, legal, deal process / dynamics? Manage portfolio companies from a board level as opposed to third party advisor in to answer a specific question? Very technical modeling and accounting? Thesis creation and history of standing in front of an investment committee to defend your opportunity? Consulting due diligence is a very very small slice of the investment role, and it’s usually more confirmatory than anything (no red flags that would take the deal).
If not, then take a few years as an associate and grow into it. You’ll learn a lot and be thankful you did, the mba will set you on a slower but more certain career track, and your lifetime earnings may be significantly higher than staying in consulting
Senior Associate most likely.
From someone with an identical background.