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AmerisourceBergen specialty Canada is smart they pay big bonus (up to 10k) to look like it’s competitive, but really the base pay sucks.We are a third party providing patient support solutions. (Patient support program)Abbvie took over the program but not in house so so we ABSG are running it and I’m sitting at 54k with 10 years of experience.At this point I’m either going to have a talk with HR or start applying to an actual pharma where I can get paid accordingly. Any ideas how to bring it up
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Do you really need us to answer that question? Go for it!
Job security is a valid concern. But these kinds of opportunities don’t come up everyday and it sounds like you have already listed most of the pros of moving with the one con being potential job security. But a downturn might also impact big law and no job is ever 100% secure probably.
How is this even a real question?
If you don’t take it I will, lol.
Subject Expert
Isn’t moving to the US and still being miserable but making 2x as much an option?
Yea, I’ve kicked tires on that. Just don’t know if I can do another 2500 year. Don’t think I’d be happy even if pay 2x’d.
I’d like to share some advice from Sartre in a pithy manner, but instead, out of laziness (or efficiency?) I’ll use the magic of copy-and-paste to save the thumbstrokes (hope this helps!):
“Sartre puts forward just such a crossroads scenario in his 1946 lecture “Existentialism is a humanism,” where he describes a pupil torn between looking after his ailing mother and joining the French resistance. There’s no moral law to determining the solution, says Sartre. Instead, the pupil may only confer value by making the choice.
“Sartre is saying that you choose your criteria, and then act consistently with that choice,” explains Thomas Flynn, philosophy professor at Emory College. Even if you ask people for advice or draw up a list of arguments, you’re still choosing whose advice to take, and which arguments to prioritize.
“Sartre thinks you are self-moving,” says Flynn. “You’re radically free.”
Sartre’s thoughts on how to make a life decision aren’t just a handy addendum to his philosophy, but a reflection of one of his core beliefs: that existence precedes essence. Or, as one character put it in“No Exit,” Sartre’s oft-cited play, “A man is what he wills himself to be.”
“If I’m deciding to become a writer or businessman, there’s no essence in me that’s either businessman or writer,” says Robert Harrison, professor at Stanford University who teaches on Sartre. “It’s by choosing one or the other that I make myself the way I am.””
Yay! The story I was thinking of is where the guy comes to Sartre and says essentially, “should I (i) care for my sick mother, which is really important to me and not many other people would do it, or (ii) fight in the resistance, which would be really dangerous and would require abandoning my mom?”
Sartre said something to the effect of: “your choice in bringing your question to me specifically, and also way you phrased your question, shows that you have already decided and you are just seeking validation.”
To quote another great philosopher, Seinfeld: “not that there’s anything wrong with that.”
Consider yourself — and your choice — officially validated! Enjoy your awesome new job and the exciting next phase of your life! You have nothing to lose but your chains.
There’s nothing like the peace and joy of the interregnum period after quitting. Enjoy!!!!
I’d take the offer.