If you had requested the time off well in advance, tell your team you aren't going to work. Sounds like you had plans since you are at hotel. The executives should have requested additional team members. I had two situations where the client delivered PBCs the week I had scheduled PTO and no other staff was at the client site. I thought of it in this way -- I did my part to notify the firm I was going to be unavailable...they should have done theirs to ensure the team was adequately staffed
You should just set expectations that you will not be working or available while on vacation, period. If you can't force your team to let you unplug, it's time to leave. I worked on Christmas Day and it was one of those 'fuck this' moments - I quit a few months later.
Once you show that you'll work during your pto, it will be expected. And it's HARD to break that cycle once it's starts. You will be treated the way you allow, so it's on you
I'm only a staff, which is why I'm concerned 😳 what are the expectations going forward...I'm specialized in my group...so there isn't anyone in my home office that does the same returns.
RSM 1: what are you talking about? Do what on his own terms? Vacation is precious once you start working in corporate gigs where you only get two weeks, don't let ANY company encroach on it.
Well.. since you put in hours, you should be compensated for it. Just take it as a learning experience. Next time you take PTO/vacation... do not under any circumstance answer email or phone calls.
Leave your laptop home. The hell is wrong with you
Sounds like insufficient resources instead of blaming the victim.
Then your team sucks. Someone else should take over from you since you are supposed to be on PTO.
Turn your computer off.
If you had requested the time off well in advance, tell your team you aren't going to work. Sounds like you had plans since you are at hotel. The executives should have requested additional team members. I had two situations where the client delivered PBCs the week I had scheduled PTO and no other staff was at the client site. I thought of it in this way -- I did my part to notify the firm I was going to be unavailable...they should have done theirs to ensure the team was adequately staffed
Sounds like you need to manage your time better.
Doesn't matter how well you manage your time when the client is over a month late in delivering the data...
You should just set expectations that you will not be working or available while on vacation, period. If you can't force your team to let you unplug, it's time to leave. I worked on Christmas Day and it was one of those 'fuck this' moments - I quit a few months later.
Once you show that you'll work during your pto, it will be expected. And it's HARD to break that cycle once it's starts. You will be treated the way you allow, so it's on you
You need to "unplug" when you're on PTO. It will help you recharge mentally for when you return.
You played yourself. Man the fuck up.
Take a cruise next time. I did an 8 day cruise and didn't buy an internet package so I had literally no way to check email, much less log in.
Its the Manager's fault ! Always
I'm only a staff, which is why I'm concerned 😳 what are the expectations going forward...I'm specialized in my group...so there isn't anyone in my home office that does the same returns.
At Deloitte we never have to work on our vacation. #lookagain
Make them wait.
What level are you? Seems fucked up if your manager is making you do shit when you're out on PTO.
That's the manager's fault for not having a backup for you. And why are you bringing your work laptop to vacation? 😂
RSM 1: what are you talking about? Do what on his own terms? Vacation is precious once you start working in corporate gigs where you only get two weeks, don't let ANY company encroach on it.
Well.. since you put in hours, you should be compensated for it. Just take it as a learning experience. Next time you take PTO/vacation... do not under any circumstance answer email or phone calls.