Worst part about WFH is that staff (specifically new hires) feel totally emboldened to not ask for work. It’s not really their fault, but still.

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As a manager, I know what tasks I’ve assigned my staff and how long it should take to complete. If I have more tasks for them, I’ll assign it. Otherwise, if they are done with a task, they can do some elearns or catch up on admin until I find something else for them to do.


Dude ain’t that the truth. Got more than enough work, but part of being a senior is ensuring your staff don’t burn through your code. Gotta stay on top of them and encourage them to come back to you with any questions.


I have to disagree - I’m a staff 1 and I feel like I work tremendously more than I ever did in the office. Personally, I find it easier to approach seniors for work via pinging them rather than walking up to them in the office. This is why - I found that when walking up to seniors in the office disturbed them if they were in the middle of something so sometimes I’d try to read their body language like okay XXX seems a little busy right now, let me give them a few mins so I don’t disrupt their work and it would’ve been awkward to ping them when they’re literally sitting two seats away from you so it would be frowned upon to not just talk to them face to face. But sometimes I felt like that’d get me in trouble too because then the senior would be like “hey what are you working on and I’d be like oh nothing was waiting to ask you what’s next when you didn’t seem as focused” so I’d get burned for not asking for the next task but I’ve also gotten burned for disrupting their work when I’d ask for a task and they were busy. Virtually, I feel like I can ping them whenever I want because if they are busy and are trying to finish something quick, most times they ignore my ping or don’t read it until they are free to give me a new task which is totally fine because then they can finish what they are doing, they at least know I reached out, and then I can go get a snack and take a quick break waiting for them to free up. I feel like I have asked for way more work in this environment than I ever did in the office and I can honestly say I have learned way more also WFH. But maybe this is just my experience.


Okay- entirely off topic, but why do we all use “XXX” as some person’s name, or some other info we want to blank out? It just makes me think of porn- starting now, can the world agree to using ZZZ? Simple ask, thanks.

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The people you are talking about did that before WFH.


Nah I disagree. When I was a first year, they had us walk around and ask, and it was helpful because people could overhear you had capacity and such. Now the first years just ping everyone, but they feel shy doing that so they wind up not asking everyone. Or maybe you send a ping and the person ignores or doesn't see it, or forget to respond.

My team has made it better though by having them plan their week in advance, so we can figure out when they have availability a few days before instead of stopping in the middle of doing something to find work now.


I don't understand why you should have people asking for work


SA1 you’re the one who gets so offended when you feel disrespected.

And managers, too


Maybe they don’t know they are supposed to be proactively asking, or they don’t know how critical their utilization goal is to their performance. Do you not have a weekly call to discuss scheduling? I expect this kind of thing from my regional firm colleagues, but when I worked at a B4 we were all very competitive about getting hours. No one wanted to be at the bottom of the utilization report.


Why don’t you reach out? They won’t bite (unless you want them to).


They probably don’t want to get those menial tasks that are tedious, machine-like, and boring and would rather take it easy.


Maybe they don’t know who to reach out to for work. You say they’re new so they likely haven’t built any connections yet.


Shit I had a senior wait till 3pm to ask me for work when he had nothing to do all day lol


Yeah.... it really, really (really) isn’t their fault. I would have been lost too- so manage and coach them


Then don’t give them any work that you can knock out yourself much faster anyways. When it comes time for them to Bill their time for the week - they’ll be up a shitty creek. And they can lie if they so choose and Bill hours to your engagement, even leave lies in the memos about what they did. But when the partner/manager reviews the binder and sees all your sign offs on everything the staff billed for (or looks at the binder activity log and sees that they did nothing) they’ll have questions to answer and will become motivated to pursue work without being hounded 24/7 by you or they will rightfully lose their job. Of course this is assuming the manager is actually doing their job too, but any partner with a lick of sense should be able to recognize the problem. Especially if you preface and drop your superiors a line that “hey I’m having trouble getting so and so to take proper initiative here,” on the outset.


It’s not passive it’s a last resort. I will work with any individual until I’m blue in the face, pulling my hair out, until I have no hope left of helping them to engage somehow after a considerable length of time and effort on my part. After that? Fend for yourself. Good luck. That’s basically what you’re slapping me in the face with if you’re a staff on my jobs and you’re under-performing so poorly/unreceptive to any varied attempts at training and mentorship while you roll off the job and leave me to still finish all your work anyways.


For PA, you usually know how many hours the staff is assigned for your projects, so you just keep delegating but check in from time to time to make sure they don’t think everything is due tomorrow + set expectations on deadline.


Do you not get a weekly report of each staff member’s capacity? If you need an associate to work on your engagement, go take a look at who is currently unassigned


SMS and managers, I expect you to step up here and figure this problem out by clear direction. Set up weekly meetings. Have seniors checking in on team every day. It’s harder to connect. Lead and make it work. I feel for our new staff. It’s not great for them and we all need to adjust


If it’s a fixed price contract, it doesn’t matter. Yes, they should be productive, but excess efficiency at a time like this also isn’t ideal. You don’t want people running out of work.


Daily check-in calls. I absolutely hate them, but it’s the only way to keep the team on track.


I hate them. I prefer every other day.


As a staff, I always ask my seniors and managers and even partners for work since I prefer spinning my wheel preparing return than wait for work to come to me especially when WFH since they don’t know who is available unlike when we are in the office


I haven’t found that to be the case. The associate on our project is a rock star and works damn hard. He’s constantly offering to help me do things. But I’ve encountered some in the past who never offered to do anything above what was asked. I think it’s more of a personality than related to WFH.


starting to realize all accounting firms are borg like. I am in technology and need to go back to a silicone valley style tech company where people work hard, but have fun. Miss read only Fridays...


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