Hi guys, i am a systems engg in TCS with 3 year exp.
Technologies known: C, C++/Java, COBOL, Oracle DB, SQL, Unix/Linux, shell scripting.
I am in my notice period, lwd is 27 Sept. Also, i have an offer from L&T with doj 29 Sept.
I am looking for Developer/ production support roles.
If anyone could help me out with an interview referral it would be great.
Thank you
It depends. You could stay in agency land for 12 months and make nothing portfolio-worthy with the associated stress and poor pay or *try* content for 12 months make nothing portfolio-worthy, get some sleep and make real money (pharma / tech / fin).
I've done both and it's fine. Just make sure you don't hang out there if it's not what you want.
The work in your portfolio is the work you’ll get hired for. So, yes.
Yes, run away.
If you could write fun, diverse content I'd say go for it. But if you aren't allowed to create interesting, unique voices and it's the standard content voice you see everywhere I can see how you may get stuck in that world.
Would you be pigeonholed at some companies, possibly. In the industry, if you allow yourself to be.
You can do anything just long enough to develop or flex a skill and then tell the story of how that has created an opportunity for you to take a new step into another role.
Would you be if you didn’t