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Hi All,
I have joined TCS 2weeks back.
I completed the induction and got the employee Number and the default password ( which is not working)
Mail sent to service desk of Ultimatix and onboarding HR manager but they are not responding.
Any other way to get this done quickly?
Appreciate your help
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A1... Really taking this some place it didn't need to go.
RIP, my culinary yoda
He was one decent human being... it could be my early morning shock but it feels like this is some sort of weird awareness movement that EVERY ONE could have a dark time and feel lonely ๐ฉ
Just make sure we do our bit and watch for folks on a downward spiral. Suicide isn't the only outcome.
If you start having self harm thoughts reach out
SUICIDE HOT LINE 1 800 273 8255
This posting is my own and does not claim to represent any other organisation.
Suicides are up 30% since 1990 (iirc). Incredibly sad.
Agreed, I'll be pouring one out for him.
Really sad, especially that someone who seemed so full of life could be going through such darkness. Heard an alarming static that suicides exceed car accidents as a cause of death in the US now.
Reach out to your friends and make sure they don't feel like they are alone.
RIP ... but sucide is better than mass shooting. I hope god give strength to would be shooters to just blow their own fking head before they fired upon innocent people.
Really @A1? Really?
He had the best job in the world
I feel like he inspired me with a love of travel, other cultures and experiencing new things, Iโm truly sad it went this way
I'm so sad....