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If you don’t mind me asking, if it’s a struggle, why persist trying to do it? IF is only good for helping reduce calorie consumption. If you’re good with just eating a piece of fruit early and then waiting to have a meal, that piece of fruit isn’t more than 100 calories or so. I don’t see the problem. IF isn’t some magic fat burning bullet, it just helps you keep your intake down by limiting your eating hours. There are other, more sustainable and less hunger inducing ways to stay in a deficit.
Rising Star
IF caused me to have a binge eating problem that was identified and resolved by a dietitian. What I’m trying to say is it’s not for every metabolism. Listen to your body. Maybe try not to eat later in the day? I’m eating generally between 9am to 5/6pm and it works pretty well.
You get used to it, you’ll just need the willpower to not eat in the mornings until that happens.
This exactly!
It takes time to get used to it, drink lots of water. Which IF schedule are you doing?
Very filling = high protein, low sugar INCLUDING natural sugars. That is key. Those sugars make you hungry; the protein makes you feel full.
When I’m in the fasting period, if I get weak, I stick entirely to liquids — keto/paleo broth, V8, water, tea, decaf coffee. Red wine is my cheat. But 100% liquids! And I still reap the benefits of IF.
What’s IF?
Intermittent fasting
Rising Star
Make sure your last meal of the day is a filling one. Also I vary my eating where sometimes my last meal is 6pm, 7pm, or 8pm and then eat my first meal 14 hrs later (I read 14/10 is better for women vs 16/8 for men). If you get your body used to a regular schedule you will feel hungry at regular times whether you’re actually hungry or not (like a dog salivating at the sound of a bell). I’ve lost 25lbs using IF after struggling for years to lose weight so I find IF very easy compared to the alternative of being 25lbs overweight. It’s all about perspective for me.
It’s more a mindset shift. It’s hard during the first couple of weeks. Willpower is actually the most important thing in IF. Try to sip on coffee or tea (can be herbal) or have lemon or lime sparkling water (no other flavors due to additives). That cuts down on the need to munch something. I met someone in the weekend who lost 25 pounds in 10 months. No sugar or alcohol
For me, it was lots of water, a coffee and then more water.
Also dinner the night before needed to be low(ish)-carb and more protein heavy.
Potentially work on a short fasting window first and then gradually increase.
I've fallen off the wagon with IF but id love to get back into it - DM me if you'd like a buddy!
I do it because I’m generally not hungry in the AM and just do black coffee / sparkling water. Not sure about all the other touted help benefits but it’s kind of nice being able to have a larger dinner while not going over on calories.
I don’t eat until 11/12 every day. Today I have a meeting at 11 so I won’t eat until after that so definitely closer to 12. Delaying food helps me reduce my caloric intake. I try to keep my eating window between 11am and 7pm. Ultimately it gets easier as you get used to it. Now I don’t even think about eating until after 10am when I start to get a little hungry. I tend to eat a high protein meal before working out and then a mid-afternoon meal after lifting.
These don’t seem like they should work, but they do for me (still seem to get the benefits of IF). The company is solid.
What’s the point