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Via @NonEquityPartner on Instagram
Wait on the student loans if they are federal. Interest is waived and, according to our dear orange leader “‘there is more good news coming.” I would recommend stocking your pantry (not over stocking, but having 4 weeks of reserves) and putting money in savings. At least that’s what NPR was saying this morning.
Call your bank to see if they will waive fees on mortgage or credit cards. If you aren't carrying too much credit card debt, be sure to still pay the minimum. Rates are low now so see if you can take advantage and refinance.
This. Start talking as soon as it becomes clear you are going to lose income. Banks will understand this. Also, cut waaaay back on spending. Every penny now has a job.
As A3 pointed out with your bank, that’s really the best advice. And it extends to your rent. Personally contact your landlord, your electric company, internet service provider, etc. Prioritize paying the necessities such as electricity, gas, and water. See if evictions are suspended in your county. If not, prioritize rent as well. If absolutely necessary, secure a 15 month zero percent interest credit card to help tie you over. Cut out expenses as best you can such as cable, eating out, etc.
Have high limit credit cards with cash asvanxe? Max them, NOW, before the banks stop it.
You can always rebuild you credit.