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Zillow addicts gotta support each other. ✊🏽
but actually though
You're a PM. Come on you better specify the device and steps leading to the issue
Please file as P0
I think it would be great if Fishbowl became a platform for directly connecting to PMs at various tech companies and requesting features/fixes. I’m here for this
To be fair, I’d think (hope?) other product managers were better users than the average?
Maybe wishful thinking 😂
I saw this bug this morning too. Apple iPhone user. My saved search showed zero results until I adjusted the filter to include “multi-family” then everything showed up again.
That satisfy you, PM1? Lol 😆
How’s this passing QA??
Zillow: QA? what’s that?
This is so great.
Zillow takes incredibly long to fix any bugs. Highlighted multiple last year. Too much emphasis on their hIgH teCh home flip initiative. Their desire to turn from a tech company to a PE company resulted in them becoming a shit tech and shit PE company.