Hello! I am an admin professional here with no tech background currently, seeking a position in tech! I am focusing on hr or project/program management for now until I can build up my skill set. Is there anyone who would be willing to offer some suggestions on where to apply/get an interview? I am a woc as well so places that value diversity is important, and I’m really looking to get even just a pinky in the door. Thank you!
If you do not currently have project management experience or certifications, I would look for a project coordinator position and leverage your admin experience on your resume to demonstrate your abilities and alignment with the role. While interviewing, question the company about their philosophy on internal promotions and and education opportunities. Find a company that has a training budget for each employee and while working get trained for the next step and learn OJT.
Alternatively, consider looking for Customer Success Manager roles with a software company. A lot of companies will train you for the role. In the position you can get a lot of hands on experience with the software and leverage that into internal role changes.
Glad to help. Feel free to reach out if I can help in any other way.
Just to be clear, you want to manage a project for a team of engineers without any tech experience? Middle management at its finest.
Hi Friend, I am trying to avoid exactly what you describe. I am trying to not be that person. Currently Tech Project Coordinator, aspiring PjM. Currently taking courses on front end web dev, python, AWS & Azure Associate level certs. Spent last few years coordinating Ops / Admin tasks for devs.
What would it take for a dev team to respect a manager who was never a dev themselves?
Program/project management in tech is fiercely competitive because everyone wants to get into tech through that route. To do this, you’ll need domain expertise. It’s not an entry level job.
For tech project management, look into Scrum Master roles. Be aware that these roles are highly technical. You need to know each phase of the SDLC. You need to be able to break requirements into features and user stories and size them appropriately for each dev sprint that you’re doing. Most will require you to have a coding background.
Get your feet wet by taking a computer science class at your local community college.
Thank you for the info! Helped me to better understand what’s expected. I appreciate it.
My recommendation would be to look at project coordinator first
I appreciate the feedback!
Just so you are aware, HR has nothing to do with tech
Ahh apologies for the confusion. Yes, what I meant to say was ‘a position in the tech industry at tech companies’. Considering I only have admin experience, I assume the only way I can get any position in this field is by working in HR or some coordinator role and getting exposure to what different departments do from there.