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Wishing everybody a peaceful Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Happy Chinese Food and a Movie!

Shana Tova everyone!

Happy late Purim/early Passover!



Ok. My local leaders just sent out an e-mail that this year, to be inclusive, they added a Chanukkah bush, a Kwanzaa tree, and a Pride bush this year to the Christmas tree. Thoughts?

So, what do you do with all that latke grease?

So I was laid off day after the war started and find myself in a position of not only trying to manage a job search after a decade, but also figuring out how to manage public versus private discourse … more


How have your agencies addressed recent events?

checking in on everyone. I hope you and your loved ones are all safe, and although I doubt anyone is mentally ok I hope they are at least physically ok. 🩵


Question as I am looking for advice. In a different bowl, someone asked about Christmas bonuses. When I pointed out that it was not a Christian company that we work for, another person stated that it is b… more


L’Shana Tova y’all.


Summer is here! How many of you went away to a Jewish sleep away camp?


Shout out to every Jewish person that had to work today and pretend they didn’t care about being shafted on one of our most important feast days for fear we’ll come off as “too Jewish.”

Sitting around the Seder t… more


How are those Passover plans coming?

Co-worker ask me if I’m doing anything for st. Pattys day.

I’m like bruh

Checking in on everyone. Anyone else swearing off Adidas for waiting so long to drop Kanye?


Hope everyone had a good new year. Anyone having issues with people scheduling important meetings on the holidays? Seems like the high holidays are not on anyone’s radar.


My company: DEI is important we want everyone to feel comfortable and included

Me: this happy hour has no kosher food…


Thinking of you all on Yom HaShoah.


How was everyone’s Pesach? I went to an Orthodox seder at my rabbi’s home on night one that was surprisingly really fun, and then hosted a humanist (non-religious) seder at my home. It was a good mix!


Need some afikomen hiding place ideas.

Happy Purim!


Hey Jews, how are we feeling right now? Safe space to vent. Let’s get through this together


Happy Secular Rosh Hashana Gefilte Fishies.


Who else is having Chinese food tonight ?


Should probably start Chanukah shopping soon, huh?


For the first time in my entire professional career, not only has my company not bothered to look at a calendar when planning things, but they scheduled a major meeting *on* Yom Kippur. Uhhh...I've work… more


So have any companies openly acknowledged the extreme rise in Antisemitism? Or is it just every other type of hate that's not tolerated? It's scary out there....


Anyone doing in-person Passover this year? Or still hiding the afikomen virtually?


So, any big Tu BiShvat plans?


Happy Secular Rosh Hashana everyone!

Chinese food and a movie at home just wasn’t the same.


Everyone enjoying not having to see giant Christmas trees next to a tiny menorahs?


Happy to announce my new book Food & Beverage Magazine's Guide to Restaurant Success!

Post Photo

Have a Chag sameach, everyone

That was just a preview…
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