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House of the Dragon discussion. Don’t post spoilers as OPs. If you’re going to include one in comments, make it clear.
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It's been almost 1.5 years, but time to dust off those scrolls. HoD season 2 starts on June 16.

How many of you are watching The Last of Us?


Damon as a character vs. Jamie Lannister? They seem like somewhat analogous characters from the two shows. I feel like a lot of people want Damon to have a similar redemptive arc, but it doesn’t seem likely. more

Maybe unpopular opinion, but Team Black shouldn’t have been living outside of kings landing if they wanted an easy succession. Feel like there’s an argument from the greens that they’d been handling things for ye… more


Anyone like Rhaenyra a lot more than Daenerys?


SPOILERS: thoughts on the episode?? Feel so bad for what happened at the end ☹️.


When keeping it real…goes wrong.

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What a terrible episode. What happened to the tight storytelling? Here’s a list of head scratchers-
1. Wtf was that foot fetish scene for?!
2. Who tf is white worm and why does she care about children?
3. Very hard to be… more


What is this bullsh** plot?? I was enjoying the show but then the Aegon / Aegon confusion happened. Like yeah sure, reusing the same names 5 times is asking for it, but come on


Would a show about High Valyria and it’s collapse be any good?

What are the spin-off shows folks are most excited by, other than HotD?


Love the intensity of the ending, and the machinations of trying to kill off challenges to the throne.

Omg lol

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😭 he saw it

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So the scene was glorious but Rhaenys also killed what looked like dozens of innocent people. And how many more will die because she didn’t roast the Hightowers?

Maybe a larger nitpick about both shows - it’s pret… more

So you’re telling me Rhaenys could’ve solved everything and didn’t


uncle daddy 🥵

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Someone give Paddy Considine an Emmy already!

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I haven’t seen such a good head slice since Equilibrium, or the first Underworld movie.


I did not see that coming. I was convinced Viserys would croak at the finale, last 5 minutes.


That episode was in true GOT fashion. 🤌🏼


Thoughts on yesterdays episode???

The new actors are amazing, much better than the younger ones. The older Rhaenyra in particular is wonderful!



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Who is excited for the epic tale of Jon Snow. It's going to premiere in late December.


Why didn’t Rhaenyra and Alicent age in this past episode?

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Trying to be patient…


Rhaenyra’s running with Ser Harwin Strong last week during her King’s Landing shenanigans last week. And this week’s little dance and him carrying her to safety… 🥵 🥵

Who’s ready for more Breakbones?!

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The last episode was a snooze fest. After Daemon’s stupid storming of the caves, this was a new low in the series. 1 hour of literally nothing happening except sanctimonious virtue signaling and puzz… more


Milly Alcock!! That performance … wow. I can’t believe we only have one more episode with her.

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speaking of queens

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It’s time to talk dragons 🐉

We’ve already met 3:
- Syrax (Rider: Rhaenyra)
- Caraxes (Rider: Daemon)
- Seasmoke (Rider: Laenor Velaryon)

And an egg that could be Sunfyre (Rider: Aegon II)

What other drag… more


Overall, I feel like it’s getting better.


Anyone else let down with the ending of episode 3?


Who’s ready for a big time jump in episode 3?


I hated the intro 😒 thoughts?


“HBO announced that the first episode of its Game of Thrones spinoff House of the Dragon recorded the network’s biggest premiere of all time, recording 9.986 million viewers across linear and HBO Max streaming on… more


Was anyone else surprised that there were only 10 dragons? The trailers made it seem like there were dozens.


Let’s play a Game. If you were living in Westeros, what Great House would you be part of and why?

Options in the comments 👇🏽

That was just a preview…
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