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As someone with £100k base:
- 60% goes to income tax
- 2% goes to NI
- Of the remaining 38%, 1/6 will go to VAT whenever I spend it (~6%)
- The remaining 32% does not include council tax, road tax etc
Does… more


How do lawyers get paid so much?!? Just spoke to a friend who is 25 who just qualified and is one 175k. Seems like a wild world


McKinsey Ops consulting - what’s the situation over there? Are they seen as part of the core consulting team or are they their own spin off with separate titles / salaries etc


I am currently working at a consultancy firm (Company A) and I recently received and signed an offer from another firm (Company B). I’m still in my notice period working with Company A; however I just recei… more

Thoughts on Portas Consulting?

Is it common for McKinsey & Company first round case study interview to be with a Partner?

When would a boutique consultancy stop being a boutique?
- Size cap?
- Services offered?
- Global reach?

I don’t get the political sentiment here.. why is there so much backlash towards the conservatives and Rishi? I see many posts saying he didn’t consider the working class. Is social mobility truly tha… more

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What % deposit do you need to put down for a housing mortgage usually? Does 10% work?

When did you know the time was right to up sticks and move to the Home Counties?


Anyone got any experience of Allbright Townhouse membership? Would be fab to hear your thoughts

Looking to get some insights on the type of work and work culture at Lux Research.


Hello, I am actively looking for a part time customer service position. I would appreciate any leads, Thank You.


How much is £70k salary take home. I seem to get different amounts online

What do ppl think of a tech enabled vending machine business. Tech enabling product selection and automation. Could it work?

Looking for recommendations of an immigration consultant in UK. Have to do a 30 minute consultation on the following question.

My company is sponsoring my work visa. My spouse will join me as my dependent. In thi… more

Bain & Company fishes, how are things? Is the work picking up, or more of the same?

anyone here leave consulting for tech roles? Is the grass any greener? Currently browsing no-code companies for solutions engineer (or similar). Might be time for a change after 8 years in consulting.… more


Anyone ever done a case studying interview with Oaklin Consulting ?


Is Accenture hiring?


Looking to speak to someone at Clearview!

For people that moved to industry, are the roles quite undemanding ? Wherever I go as a consultant, the client staff seem to leave before 5, enjoy job security and don’t show visible signs of stress?


Can anyone recommend a good corporate code for uk car rentals?

Does anyone find their experience of dealing with in-house recruiters absolutely rubbish? No progress on applied roles for weeks, complete lack of communication after passing the sift (even when the … more


Anyone here have any recommendations for online mental health apps - not meditation but CBT / accessible online therapy?


How do y’all manage kids with work from a financial and emotional standpoint? I’m a few years away, but it looks very difficult from where I stand!


How to become a data architect?

Is Stax essentially AMR international, in London?


Thoughts on North Highland in the UK?

Why are industry exits almost always below consulting (across tenure) in compensation? Is the lower comp only a one time thing when youre a fresh entrant to industry? or do seasoned industry professionals (consulting alumni) also see lower comp than their consulting counterparts throughou… more


What are the highest paying finance consulting roles (consulting roles related to financial services/ finance industry) ?
Anyone in these spaces and how did you get there ?
I’m new to consulting, <1… more


Is Teneo hiring?


What do you guys do when on the bench? Curious to know if people on average tend to get extremely involved with Business Development / Firm building activities or they chill…?


In some feedback I received after my interview with an in-house role, I was told that I am very corporate and they can tell I’ve work in a consultancy. What does this mean please?


Hey folks, how to break the 100k threshold?
What roles usually pay that? And I mean more as exit strategies than consulting itself where information is more readily available.

I feel like 100k allows y… more


What’s your tether retirement amount ?

is it worth moving to London from Australia for say 2 years?

That was just a preview…
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