I think you're a great for a freelance project I'm hiring for.
Take a look and send me a proposal if you're interested
When you're searching for work-from-home jobs, you have many options available. Here is a list of reputable places to find legitimate remote jobs:Job Title:project maneger, Care Coordinator, customer service,etc.
Use this link to download the app and use the link to join the job interview and also join my chat: https://teams.live.com/l/invite/FEA5yQpY55HbwuGYQk
We all know it's been touch out there for tech workers with what feels like daily tech layoffs heard around the world.
That's why I would like to invite to CandidateX and TalentNet's first ever Career Huddle session - Accessing your next role in tech - on Wednesday March 22.
To register, visit: talentnet.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMkd-qhpjwuG9T_OUFT2LcYQ6QC6_tFxLUu