What do u do if your senior tends to ignore your questions sent via e-mail?

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Go talk to them in person?


Uhhh if you want to maintain any type of relationship with this person, D1 is giving you terrible advice. Talk to them in person and agree on a method of asking questions so they will get back to you. Might make sense to throw them a calendar invite once a day to get all of your questions out so you can both plan for it. Going over their head and making them look bad to the manager won’t help you at all - in fact, I know a lot of managers who would be extremely annoyed at you for looping them into that. Realistically, your senior isn’t ignoring you on purpose - emails like that are easy to lose track of when bigger things are coming through.


Cc manager and say you’ve been trying to follow up


D punch


Call or talk live then send an email..."per our conversation"

Gives you a trail and you've been face to face. Sometimes it isn't intentional that we don't get to staff emails right away, so face to face may be more effective.


How about sending your questions with a meeting notice so that senior has time blocked off specifically to address your questions, rather than you just dumping shit on their plate, with no consideration of the time it will take them to go through whatever you have asked them to pay attention to?


If you like them, track them down and ask what their preferred method of answering questions is. If not, D1 has great advice.

I agree w D1

PwC 1 is right. I don’t know the full story so my bad. I assume the senior was intentionally ignoring and you tried to follow up personally on email.

I’m going through the same now but I feel like it’s better to chase them down and ask in person. Going over their heads and cc-ing managers will make you seem like you don’t know how to handle this kind of issues on your own. Having good communication is a key imo

Discuss with them how they prefer to receive questions. Some prefer in person meetings, some prefer one by one questions as they come up, some prefer emails

OP: when it comes down to it, unfortunately you're gonna have to do a lot of the work. I don't agree with people saying you shouldn't cc managers though because my managers have never had a problem being CC'd when there is a problem (although I'm the senior with staff that won't fix my points).

Like I said before and other people suggested, it's really just finding a way they like to answer questions and sticking with that. If that doesn't work and/or you don't like this senior, you need to CYA and start cc'ing managers.

It is not your job to make your senior look good if they refuse to answer your questions even when you agree on method of asking questions. They are the ones who need to review, and if they don't want to review something with a bunch of open items then they need to respond. That's part of their job.

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