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Don’t Eat the Bruises by Keith Mitnik - great book for trial lawyers
I was like you; ID for ten years before switching to plaintiff work
This book is a great starting point
Also check out Trial Guides
You know I thought the same thing. His voice reminds me of Adam West.
I've read about it here and there and think it's overhyped. Do I use it? Sure. Is it as effective as some lawyers swear it is? 90% of the time no. But definitely a good tool to have in your tool box. Nothing however will beat putting in the time and effort to investigate even the smallest aspect of your case. You have no idea what "unlikely" source may turn up with evidence for a Perry Mason moment.
I've been a lawyer for less than 1 year and have had two Perry Mason moments already just because I put in more work investigating than the guy before me.
I mean this respectfully, but give it some time. As you get more years under your belt, you’ll understand just how powerful this system is. The defense wants to know about it so bad, but the thing is, when it’s done properly it’s indefensible. You do make a good point about knowing every detail of your case though. No amount of strategy will matter if you don’t know the case better than the other side.
The book doesn’t teach you much. You won’t be able to learn the Reptile while you’re on the defense side, except maybe surface level ideas. Once you’re committed to 100% leaving defense work, we’ll teach you.
I have a feeling, if it’s a successful PI firm, they will already have access and get you started
We rely more on Ball on Damages 3 than outright reptile. Whenever I want a strategy refresher or am ramping up for trial I pick up Ball and it is a really helpful roadmap
I’m reading that but in many places is says “See Reptile for X”
It is an amazing tool and worth every penny. BUT, it isn’t a book you can read and have all the tools and knowledge. It requires so much more dedication, like the colleges, etc. It’s worth the time and money if you commit.
I’ve read so many reptile MILs that I don’t feel the need to actually read the book.
The standard of care is just that. It gets made by the profession. Plaintiff attorneys might disagree with it, but they also aren't treating patients or having consequences.
I’ve heard of it, and it’s probably been used on me during trial. A well known regional PPI firm in my state uses RT, and they’ve got a band of really, really good lawyers..
Honestly not with the price tag/read if you understand the strategy, which you should if you faced it. In the most barebones SparkNotes version of it it explains to try to get the jury to put themselves, or a loved one, in the shoes of the plaintiff without actually outright saying it. You can Google various ways to do it within the rules, and the only reason to get the book at this point imo is to have it on your shelf.
It's a very strong strategy when a plaintiff has extremely graphic injuries. It doesn't win you cases legally, it is all about getting that shockingly large judgment. It's used frequently against carriers (trucking) for obvious reasons. (Source: I used to do ID for trucking companies)
Not the concept at all honestly.
You can just read good depos and trancripts. Damages on the other hand is excellent imo
It’s a type of defense Use my plaintiffs lawyers
With all of the interest and MIL’s about reptile tactics, would it be more worthwhile to just focus on books like Damages 3 and Rules of the Road or would Reptile still be a good companion to those?
Thanks! Can you tell me what it’s called now and if there’s a book/resource I can read/use? I sent you a PM if you don’t want to say it publicly. I’m the only PI atty at my firm so I don’t have a mentor or someone to tell me about these things, I’m flying solo and kind of lost, and could really use a resource like that.
People have suggested Reptile has been replaced. Is it by the Keenan Edge? He has a series of books but they’re just his old blog posts so not necessarily a “system”. I see he has classes but they’re like $1,500 a subject, and well over $10k to complete the whole program. Is this the “system”’you are referring to and is there any way for me to get that information without spending that type of money? In other words, is Reptile is no longer being used in favor of a new system, how do I get this info? Feel free to PM me if you don’t want to say publicly. I’m happy to share my firm bio showing I’m a plaintiffs attorney.