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Eff no. I would love it if mine did.
Mine does but I only get annoyed when she still expects me to pay for everything...
Did you just lol at your SO being a consultant? ... feel like that says a lot
If she made significantly more than me we’d literally never argue again
^Inb4 1 is an Amex Platinum and the other is a Capita One Platinum Card
My biggest pet peeve is when my gf talks about how much she’s saved but then still expects me to pay for meals/drinks and questions my spending habits...
My SO makes a multiple of my income. Doesn't matter to either of us. I think it can be a problem in either direction for couples, you have to handle it between yourselves (maybe with outside input or arbitration-style help).
You know it's tru ruv when you don't care
Are you or your SO Indian? Or Chinese?
Where do I find these girls that make multiples of my income?...not that I make that much...
I’m a gal. And no I don’t expect him to pay unless it’s like a special occasion - once or twice a year kinda thing which I also reciprocate
You both just pull out your cards and have the server randomly choose one. Boom
At first it was 50/50 but it’s clear she can’t keep up and so now I end up paying for most things. Which gets tiring and although I don’t show it I’m actually a little peeved. Which makes me feel terrible but what can you do
If you found the person you care about, why does it matter? My wife makes more than I do - I don’t care because it’s just more to around. Definitely better long term once you get over your insecurities.
Would be dope
I make more than double and I wanna believe you guys but I feel I may have experienced otherwise :(
You a guy or gal?
Well my expenditures are in proportion that much higher and credit card competition is another ball game - he is a
I lol’ed because of the relationship between consultants and points and credits cards - in the sense that it’s tough to top them on it...😑