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In industry now. Honestly we consider all of the boutiques largely to be the same. CV isn’t viewed as more prestigious. All glorified market research shops.
What group do you work in? I wonder if groups like BD or Corporate Development have a preference for MBB or firms that do lots of DD engagements. I agree that within marketing or operational groups there's not much perceived differentiation.
For the record, I understand the implication of reputation when you are comparing MBB vs. boutique - but between boutiques I feel like it is pretty similar - but curious to hear your thoughts
Negligible among the usual boutiques - more important is the project mix (ie if interested in BD, are you doing diligences? If marketing, launch planning. If sales, SF optimization, etc) and time to promotion
From what I’ve seen the exit titles are relatively uniform: [Sr] Consultant to M/SM, Manager to AD, SM to D. These also match comps between boutiques and industry
I used to work at a PE firm - LEK and Clearview definitely had a stronger reputation for DD work. I'm in big pharma now, though, and most people would know ZS well and maybe not too many other firms by name.
I should add that I'm not in a group that regularly deploys consultants - those in commercial strategy, corp dev or BD presumably have more knowledge of the various firms.
They're all the same. It's either MBB (usually just MB for this space imo) or otherwise.
They’re all the same
Not too sure but I hear CV wins a lot of projects and business is booming despite pandemic
I’m totally unsurprised that ClearView is trying “spin” this trend in their favor when speaking with students haha