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In lieu of a fur baby, here’s a picture of my favorite music festival boots. Please like and help me unlock my DMs 😊 also if anyone is willing to give a referral for Facebook (Meta) for a current project manager looking to pivot into product management, I’m happy to go through my background with you!
Additional Posts in DXC
Hello Sharks,
Please suggest :
DXC or Capgemini In terms of Work Life Balance, Appraisal, learning, stability ?
Offering almost the same CTC.
Also, any idea about the variable pay in DXC, do they give the complete variable pay what they mentioned in offer letter or only some part of it (like they do in Accenture) .
Thank you in advance !
DXC Technology Accenture
There are lots of negetive reviews about DXC in social networking.. how is the variable payments at the end of the appraisal cycle? There are lot of sacks few year back, is there any stability now. They are offering WFH, is that going to be always or is there any forecast of asking the employees to join any office?DXC Technology
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That is the default raring
1 rating means Excellent impact
2 rating means Valued Impact
3 rating means Under performer
If you are performing exceptional well then you will get category 1. Exceptional impact.
If good then 2. Value impact
If you are under perform then 3.