I’m currently a maxed out GS-15 Step 10. Masters degree is Electrical/Computer Engineering, but now a Program Manager for a high visibility area. I have 10 years to reach full retirement age (57). Why do I feel like I’m limiting myself? What would the pros and cons be of seeking private industry employment at this point? What would an equivalent salary be taking into account pension, etc? Anyone else been in, or is in this situation?
330k SGD. 35-65% bonus. So overall 440-540k.
Whats the starting range?
I think the base is more like 250k sgd in MBB
Total comp looks super low for top end principals. Base looks fine.
This is year 2-2.5 principal. Post that they are junior partners (non-equity) where the numbers are higher.
I had seen some BCG numbers and that seems to be off - unless I got the wrong data points . My understanding is that it is more like 250k sgd base + 200k bonus so 450-500k sgd is a principal compensation
I had seen it 4 months ago .
250 base is very off because EM base salaries are over 250. At Oliver Wyman the base goes up to 280k for top EM
T2 might pay at mid level more than MBB to attract people as the value proposition is weaker than MBB - worse exits , lower future partner compensation , less partner spots . So makes sense to have 30%+ premium at T2 comparing to MBB as 5 years Future cash flow is the same .
Is there anyone from MBB to confirm the numbers ?
How much do McKinsey and BCG principals make?
Is this for first year principal or top end? Sounds more like first year principal (based on other responses)
Rising Star
Any principal . There are some urban legends about MBB principal base but it is really below 300k sgd
I’ve heard top end principals can go up to 700k sgd (anecdotally)
Tier 2. Year before they make partner.
Bain here. 285K base + 145K bonus and then profit share which is about 50-60k in a good year.
Rising Star
Is that a target bonus or top performer bonus ?