If you own any of the Western Digital series of my book drives, unplug them immediately.
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Additional Posts in CyberWatch
As we welcome more traffic into the hospitality industry, it is our responsibility as IT directors and CISO's to keep our employees and guest safe from cyber attacks.
Practice good cyber hygiene, and implement a good security awareness plan.
#cybersecurity #cyber #security #cyberattack #securityawareness #hospitalityindustry
Be aware and share credentials harvesting and social engineering in full display in this cyber attack:
The hackers said they used the authentication cookies to mimick an already-logged-in EA employee’s account and access EA’s Slack channel and then trick an EA IT support staffer into granting them access to the company’s internal network
#cybersecurity #cybercrime #cyberattack #share #cybersecurityawareness #security
Hers's my Cybersecurity awareness share for today, seven solid tips for all IT management to utilize in their security awareness campaigns.
Information sharing is vital to protecting our communities. Do your part and share!
#cybersecurity #management #share
This is not a solution; this is why so many attacks begin with harvesting credentials.
Please do not use one password for all your accounts; you place all your eggs in one basket.
If your password is stolen, then they have access to everything instead of just the one account.
A better suggestion is to use passphrases or a password manager, but it doesn't make sense to make it easy for an attacker to access your systems.
This is a good way to start the morning, REVIL is a vicious group, so any headway in the disruption of their business is good and may lead to more arrests from the evidence recovered.
Great way to partner and make the world a little safer.
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