Any book recommendations for political history of the US?

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Howard Zinn - A People’s History of the United States

Jill Lepore - These Truths

The Federalist Papers - Hamilton, Jay, Madison


Zinn is utter garbage: “Objectivity is impossible, and it is also undesirable”.

I don't have a specific book that comes to mind. But reading up on the nixon era is fascinating. I think a lot of the issues that have been highlighted this year can be significantly attributed to those years.

Watergate fallout has slowly escalated partisanship in congress throughout decades. We had a de-coupling of monetary value based on gold (which I believe exacerbated corporate interests in DC...I don't think de-coupling was necessarily a bad thing at face value, but secondary consequences haven't been great). There were hard stances on policing and the war on drugs.

Many of these events and policies have slowly been creating instability imo.


The criticism of Zinn’s book is usually rooted in “read more than one history survey of the U.S” which is good advice for all topics. It needs a later edition, but it’s quite good.


I like Chomsky, he always has an interesting take especially around foreign policy. He’s very liberal (I lean right) but also very persuasive and well-researched. A good one to start with is “Who Rules the World?” or check out the list of books that are part of the American Empire Project.


I enjoy seeing right leaning people appreciate Chomsky. Makes me hopeful not all conservatives are completely lost within the current cult of personality and there is hope for an intelligent right to come out of the trump ashes


Thank you, really appreciate this!


Robert Caro's books:

- The Power Broker
- The Lyndon Johnson series


For sure The Federalist Papers


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