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GHIV a great hold, did not look into BFT
Feeling sketch about my Jan 15 calls for ghiv but will hold on for a couple more days 🤞
I’m holding. If they go below my average I’ll buy more
I’m holding both - will stay the course on these for another week.
Holding GHIV and LGVW
Bought a bunch at $11, just bought some more at $12.50.
Holding GHIV 12.5C
RKT>GHIV but I know all the gurus are pumping GHIV right now since it is a SPAC.
Interesting. Will definitely have a look.
What’s about BFT?
Why not hold both until the mergers?
I am
Why are these two stocks so appealing to everyone?
And BFT aka Paysafe is a great buy spot for a fintech company that hasn’t run up yet. I will be selling
My GHIV and holding to BFT