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Got mail from Accenture again after a month regarding the HR interview, last month got the same mail but after few days status was changed to "owning to business requirements there is some delay from their side....". Now got mail again and status changed to Recruiter will reach out soon. Recruiter also changed this time. Accenture Can I expect call this time from Accenture?
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Update-it literally made more depressed and lethargic. Switched to zoloft
That's so interesting! I couldn't stay awake to save my life on Zoloft. I'm wired on Wellbutrin.
The mind is a fickle thing.
Most people really like it and it’s safe. I took it for stress. And Work wise it calmed me down and I felt good to get through crazy days without getting hyped up or overwhelmed. Down side - I stopped caring about everything else in life and went from a Type A person on top of things to someone who moved slower, didn’t care about the gym or doing anything like cleaning, shopping etc. It bothered my husband a lot and I ended up stopping.
My SO has been on it for years and would recommend it.
It works well for a lot of people, esp since it doesn’t have negative sides effects of SSRIs. Wasn’t for me though. Made me start to feel unstable and it triggered a relative to have a major bipolar episode for the first time ever. Prob a genetics thing.
Zoloft FTW. Amazing and I’m sad I waited so long.
And it's great if you are trying to quit smoking too.
I’ve heard positive things from others, but it unfortunately gave me terrible insomnia. Didn’t sleep for around 3-4 days.
Recommend a cheek swab genetics test to take some of the guesswork out of the medication process. Your doctor can administer and send to the labs.
For anyone else looking for feedback, Wellbutrin has changed my life. I'm on it for my ADHD, and it honestly resolved lingering depression I had. I feel alert, focused, and I even sleep better. Combined with my Cymbalta, I feel the most human I've ever felt. I can't believe it's taken me this long to start it.
Not good not safe nothing manmade is.
It helped with depression/adhd for a while, then I realized it was gradually loosing effectiveness and causing crazy alcohol cravings end of day. Took a long time to realize the meds were causing it. Just something to watch out for.