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Thought I'd give this a go:
Looking for a Referral for Account Manager roles in the UK. I have applied to the fintech and banking positions in London.
I have extensive experience in fintech and digital banking.
Will need a sponsorship (Canadian), so I'm hoping a referral can help things along.
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
Astro does not approve of this vagueness
Bowl Leader
These details are… Cloudy.
So what did you post?
Wait say it closer to my shirt…
That’s pretty good
Can you provide more details? I am in that bowl and did not notice much.
Pics/references or it didn't happen
🤣 what happened? I see every post and nothing outrageous has been there.
they took it down
Are those the people posting “that’s your Salesforce, not my Salesforce…” to anyone posting about not loving their job or having a tough time. Cuz fu& them people.
The “if you hate it, leave” — I feel this way sometimes when some people complain, but instead of just leaving, my advice to them is to contribute to the changes that will make it better. Telling people to leave makes sense when they are actually the problem and will never be happy at Salesforce.
What's ES/ER?
Obviously we both work for ES, so we can help each other to do our job by sharing information:)
Seriously though, the only time they would need dirt is back out of a real contract, like Elon Musk trying to back out of the twitter deal & bot leak.
I'd imaging they'd need to use dirt to go after their competitors employees as that seams similar to other things Benioff has done to disrupt his competitors.
What happened?
Waiting for your details lol
Buy how would they know? Isn’t the app anonymous?
They can still manage the bowl’s tone and engagement by removing anything constructive or negative.
Make with the intel or kick rocks.
Is it about wellness days going away? Cause that’s also very concerning.
SM you’d be shocked to learn that a large group of people who never had them, who already have unlimited PTO, are still grumpy and worked up about it regularly.
Bowl Leader
You posted and it was taken down? Yes or no?
Before "tone" it was called offtopic, side tracking or spam.
If you want changes then you have to join the UN-certified, Segregated, & company controlled Labor Unions or what salesforce calls Employee Representative Groups (ERG), because they have direct access to the CEO. If you bring a few like minded people with you the group is no longer safe because the majority will rule because they've been brainwashed to follow. Salesforce admits this in this pic from their official training.
You can also try their ethics line here but they just say they can say what they will do if anything.