I'm working for a client in TCS. Got better offer from lti mindtree.
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At least I tried.

I'm envious of those of you having office trysts.
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Happy Monday! Have a successful week ahead. 👍
Noida mein koi achi IT company hai kya?
Name one thing you're thankful for.
Need likes for DM 🧢
What are you grateful for?
How did you meet your partner?
I got rejected in 3rd technical round of Morgan Stanley however I had answered 95% of question asked with accuracy which interviewer agreed , also 3rd round was quite easy comparative to 2nd round which lasted for 2 hrs & had only coding
Felt nepotism and negative vibes from the 3rd round panel . I am not saying because I was rejected but this is something one can feel by facial expression .
Please let me know your opinion. Thank you.
Morgan Stanley Amazon Tata Consultancy Goldman Sachs IBM
There is no assurance. The best you can do is get that on a mail and if possible start with the process of initiation. I was in TCS and they sent me after I took my paper back. A friend of mine was also promised but was not sent due to changed requirement. Not everything is in manager's hand
I think I need not to answer the question you clearly summed it up.
No assurance and onsite is something TCS promises everyone who resigns. Am not saying they are lieing . But opportunities for onsite are very limited and even they cant promise anything.
Then it depends on how much trust you have, how much increase if any they can give now, what is the new offer etc.
Please consider switching. I have a sister in TCS, she's there for 6.5 years still waiting for onsite.
They have matched her holding offers and retained get though
Dont get retained for onsite promise which may or may not happen. It's not in anybody's hand depends on the future vacancy in onsite which there is no guarantee based on current scenario. My colleague got retained for onsite promise and finally manager tried but couldn't make it happen.
If you don't like to join mindtree , try searching for other companies. You will get for sure since you serving notice period.
No email. But no use of email when this is not something under manager control. You will have to wait for project eventhough you have got VIS considering recession on going. Manager may even change after sometime . Anything can happen.nothing is certain as of now
Agree with people stating that no one can guarantee. However see the overall project set up, how often people are getting opportunities and are people frequently traveling even if not your team, the adjacent teams. That might give some indication of the possibility.
Just one month back they asked me for Mexico onsite even when I didn't resigned or asked. One of my friend from different team but same client went to Canada onsite this march only.
This is really difficult to choose as everything depends on if then.
Don't waste time in such things
If you want go to Mexico
But Canada is surely a lie
Rising Star
Don't believe in TCS but at the same time, i would not recommend you to join LTI Mindtree as there are not much projects with more people in bench. Better look for other companies.
Sure, thank you for your suggestions, as I have 90 days notice period I was not able to get many calls, hope now I will get many chances.