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Hi Fishes, I am backend developer in php and node. Started working on a full stack profile last year for on MERN. I am currently working with Stelling Technologies Pvt Ltd. Looking for a change. I have 7+ years of experience, and underpaid. Any reference is welcomed. Thanks Amazon Tata Consultancy Infosys
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Win $20 cash. New users welcome. Free membership with discount code “vipfree”. Until Sunday 5:00 pm eastern whatever teacher uploads the most lessons to their teacher store will win $20 cash!! is a virtual marketplace for teacher users to buy and sell resources with teacher sellers making 100% profit off anything they sell.

This will help tons!

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I think it depends on what grade you teach. I was an elementary computer teacher and used Google Classroom and apps regularly with my 4th and 5th graders and the same was true with those grade level
HR teachers. The younger grades not as much - also easier to start using on chrome books.
I did Level 1 and 2 a few years ago just to get some Act 48 hours. I thought it was worthwhile simply so I would better know what the Google products I was using could do. I’ll probably do it again when my certificates expire. I’ve thought about getting the next level certificate, but not sure if I’d be able to use it as we already have a director of technology.
I thought the process for level 1 and 2 gave me a lot of ideas for things I can do in the classroom, as well as stay organized personally.
My sister got Google certified only because she is a Tech TOSA. It wouldn't be worth my while to do that as a classroom teacher.
You can do the modules and take the test without going through a class. Check that out first before you drop any money on a course - many are scams.
I have been considering doing this myself. Level one seems to be very basic which is good to see but level two is a bit more intensive too
I am. I love it!! It has helped me thoroughly. I’m also a trainer so it has helped immensely. The teachers I share my knowledge with find more ease with integrating.
I did it - but only cause my school paid for it. Didn’t learn anything new, but always good to have more things on the resume.