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Additional Posts in Barclays India
Anyone here whose joining is on 27th june?
Nothing happens if you do not join any organisation. Ask barvlays to counter if they do not pay then tell them you are not joining.
Please provide additional details like Tech stack, exp and salary offered so that you can get some feedback/suggestions from fishes
Will they Blocklist if i won't join Barclays?
No one blacklist you for not joining. Organization knows when they release an offer letter there is always a possibility that candidate may or may not join.
But one should know where to stop and settle.
Don't go for Only package difference what you see now.
Barclays Bonus is extra components you get over and above package so that goes upto 20% of Salary min 10%
Also In 3 years time You'll have double salary as compared to Deutsche Bank, so think before making a decision assuming you do internal switch.
If you have all these benefits in DB, Go ahead
I can confirm abt myself in last 5 yrs....being part of 2 different TC, 10 was minimum.
Also if you are above 25-30 LPA I am sure it won't be same for everyone. I am talking about 10-30 range package. Avg is 10 until you are bad performer