I’ve been ghosted again. For the 4th time. In a horrible year of forced freelance/unemployment. And these weren’t just initial stage ghostings but like 5+interviews in. In one case... (continued)

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Delete some LinkedIn connections that might not like you or your work ethic and see if it helps.


I see what you did there.


I was flown across the country to be told by a gcd that an acd, who I was about to interview with, didn’t think I was good enough. As if that wasn’t bad enough, I was then ghosted by said agency. The two after that have actually been in-house agencies where I’ve gotten to salary negotiations and then poof! I just don’t understand what’s going on with our industry. Is it so hard to respond to an email with a short “sorry, we pass”? If I can drag my ass across the city to interview with you 3, 4, 5, SIX TIMES—you can hit the reply button.


Holy shit! Wow, sorry! It will get better. I know it’s hard to keep this perspective, but if these places are this shitty to you now, they’re going to be way shitty places to work at later. So, fuck’em! Some places are so toxic it just oozes into every facet of the place. Feel bad for’em, seriously.

What places?


Sorry to hear this. Sadly, I’m in a similar situation. I’m nine months deep being unemployed and it blows. It really, really sucks. But I try to keep my head up, as you should too. Hugs. And thanks for sharing.


In the same boat 🚣‍♀️

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Greetings, Ghosted! bowl members. As 2019 concludes, people who posted here: please let us know if you ever heard back from your ghosters.


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So pretty much everyone... sigh


TFW a recruiter tells you that the agency is pausing its interviewing process because they’re waiting on project renewals & that this will take a couple weeks. Fast forward three/four days, the same exact job listing is reposted. Just say I was rejected, Nina!!


Twitter and Verizon.

Acronym NYC was a nightmare to try to get feedback/move the process along


Does anyone recognize the photo I used for this bowl?

215 McCann, Heat SF, and LinkedIn (in-house)


Digitas Arcade Singapore
FCB West
Jack Morton’s
Warren @Talent Boom
Huge SF/NY


Edelman LA, Entree Health NYC

Had what had to be the best call with a recruiter I’ve ever had — she seemed so excited to pass my work to her teams, received the sweetest follow up email from her, but now it seems like she’s ghosting me. UGHHHHH. Any words of wisdom or advice? Feeling bummed because I was super excited about this opportunity.


Edelman. Fourth time now — each time, they reach out to me! Honestly, I’m not looking for a job just trying to be polite and keep my network open but fool me once; fourth time and you’ve been blocked.


Didn’t get ghosted. Instead got specific feedback that I suck.


Joseph Golden omnicom
