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Befriend executive assistants. They know everything!
Change your job every 2-3 year to get faster multi fold pay increases!
There’s a time and a place to be a “Yes man”, but also don’t be afraid to say no and push back.
Never quit. If you hang in there, things will work out.
There is no payment or fee accepted for missed moments. The choices you make about your boundaries define much more than just the next step in your career path.
David Foster Wallace’s commencement speech - “This is Water” - at Kenyon College. Most everything that Henry David Thoreau wrote or said. Most everything Seneca wrote or said.
Don’t be quick at the expense of being right. In client service, there will always be the pressure to be responsive and fast with your advice. However, the vast majority of the time it is an internally created deadline and not a true emergency. You have to balance being responsive with also providing advice that you would feel comfortable defending years from now. No one is served by “shoot from the hip” advice.
Make time to help others find their path. I have derived far more satisfaction from seeing people I've casually and formally mentored succeed, promote, achieve and thrive than from any such personal achievements in my own 25+ year career.
I've never seen anyone fired for trying to negotiate a salary increase. It might be intimidating, but if you approach it thoughtfully there is very little downside.