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I had covid for 3 weeks and was expected to work as if nothing was going on. I got a call from my manager telling me IT flagged me as inactive for to long and I got a strike. Even though they knew I had covid and requested to just take the day off. The explanation was "it's the busy season and we need all hads on deck". I looked at my work later after I recovered and it was so bad. My brain was fried.


When I’m sick, I’m drained mentally as well as physically. I will not be as sharp so I will take my sick days on my worse days. I may begin to review emails as I feel better, but that also means I’m able to get out of bed. In working from home, I’m choosing to be mindful that work doesn’t get to creep into every area of my home. It’s a psychological boundary to keep work mainly in the home office and not outside of it.

I’m not for pushing people through sickness. The body is sick for a reason. People need to recuperate and heal.


I’ll admit there are days where I just push through. Only for stuff like high visibility deployments, or the final day where I’m doing KT before a long PTO.

I keep my planned time off as sacred though. I won’t even log in to check email unless it’s to look at something like a bonus check or my vacation balance to plan my next trip


Who said health is more important than wealth.


I got covid and was forced to stay at home for two weeks (no wfh option despite I wanted to). Got a warning from HR for excessive leave and had to work when I’m sick to recover the lost productivity during self isolation :(


Due to government regulations they couldn’t, but my manager sent an HR complaint about me not hitting target after the long absence 😂.

I got another job already, the Covid event is definitely one of the catalytic moment that drives me away from the company!


I used to do this way back when I needed to prove myself. Hindsight - I was dumb. Now, I do bare minimum, and totally turn off come 5pm. Nothing is worth my zen mindspace after work hours. I'll answer some emails / calls if they're nice enough. Else y'alls SOL till tomorrow 9am


Man, some of y'all work for some shitty ass people... Blows my mind.

I'd take off sick, document everything, and take legal action after.

Although my real desire if I had COVID and was "forced" to work, would be to present myself physically in front of the person forcing it and tell them any work I do will be mask free within arms length of them until I'm COVID negative and/or they test positive, or they send me home and stop being major dbags.


Wut…I found that after covid it was FAR easier to take a sick day


This is a huge problem at I’m facing. I had my youngest daughter home with Covid recently and out of the 5 days asked to take one sick day. The rest I was managing to juggle her being sick and home with me with the workload and meetings I had. The sick day I asked for ended up being the day when I received message after message from my boss with extra tasks. I then a couple weeks later came down with some virus and was really in a head fog. I asked for one day off when I was literally down for the count. I was again emailed, Teams messaged, etc. with new projects and my boss trying to jump in the middle of my projects. It ended up being just another work from home day. From now on I’m setting personal boundaries. When I ask for a sick day (which is not often at all) it’s best for me not to respond and turn off all work communication.


Working on that.. but it’s not as easy as it may seem.

I honestly cannot remember the last time I took an actual sick day, even when I had covid for 3 weeks. Everyone on my team always works from home when they're sick.


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10k huh. STAY HOME!!!!!!!


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-moonwalking with Einstein: Josh foer
-most human human: Brian Christianson
-alone together: sherry turkle
-think again: Adam grant
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