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Documentation - I would add that you keep a personal private calendar of all conversations and attach emails to them. When or if the time comes to construct a time line to show intent it will be clear the situations you were placed in.
HR is paid for by the company that is placing you in these situations. All aspects and departments are touched by this inequity. It's not about trust as much as it is knowing their alegience to the company that is creating inequity.
Your situation is not an easy place to be. Engage an employment attorney. Discuss your chances of obtaining employment in the market after you file a complaint.
It may be best to start looking to make a change and let the past be the past.
Ask to see equity practices and conversations for the new places you apply. Ounce a prevention ...
I have never had success with this but will offer some good learnings I’ve had along the way:
Document everything. Anything that’s verbal, follow up in writing so there’s some paper trail.
Forward relevant docs and notes to your personal address so if your job is jeopardized, you’ll still have the information you need.
Don’t quit before you speak to a lawyer. And tell the lawyer the truth, and keep it as factual as possible. Make your case crystal clear (eg: my white male peer makes 1.5x what I make and we have the exact same previous experience, we bill the client the same amount, and we’ve largely received the same feedback on our performance).
Continue to NOT trust HR. They are not here to protect you, they are here to protect the company. In fact, if and when HR is involved in this situation, document your interactions with them as well. If you are in a one-party consent state (like NY) feel free to record your conversations on your iPhone
Excellent advice.