Everytime I look at my ytd taxes paid, I get a little more Republican.

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Agreed. The distinction is- if the pub pubs cut your taxes, would the same proportion of the extra money in your pocket go towards social programs to help the needy as if that money had gone towards taxes?I would bet that for most it would not- and therein lies the problem.


SC1 not all republicans are against equal rights. Some of us are in full support of a woman's right to choose, marriage equality, civil rights, and regulations that help prevent the 98% from being screwed over but just don't want the government stealing all of our hard earned money to blow on stupid bloated government projects that add no value to anyone except the corrupt politicians. Trump and his hate is not representative of the Republican Party. If you think all of us are filled with hate you need to stop watching MSNBC.

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Every time I look at how much I saved ytd, I think about how fortunate I am.


Every time I hear a republican talk about their money, I get a little more liberal... and gay 🌈 People's rights are more important than the inconsequential tax money you pay.


Every time I see mine, I think of how much waste is in state/federal bureaucracy, and wish the Republicans would root out inefficiencies instead of taking a sledgehammer to useful programs and cutting taxes for the rich.


Both are not mutually exclusive


I just want a centrist who wants to make government more effective and efficient rather than bigger or smaller. No new programs... Just figure out how to deliver what's been promised better and get rid of the programs and people that are ineffective or money sinks. Reduce the sinkhole of funding that is the DoD and get rid of OCO loopholes... Create an independent infrastructure bank instead of having Congress earmark pork barrel projects... Rebaseline entitlements by both means testing and raising the retirement age... These are obvious solutions but no one wants to do them...


own a business or see your parents in business to experience first hand how the laws seemed designed to hurt business owners. you sober up to Republican state of mind real quick.


I think of all the subsidies that go to red states


The majority of my money goes to building and maintaining weapons and badly run entitlement programs that I am likely to never need because I'm going to be a responsible person and put money aside instead of spend. The rest of the spending is pennies on the dollar. Where it does spend, it wastes a lot because so many of it is patronage driven.


I every time I see mine I become more democratic. All the money I pay and people can still count on proper healthcare, infrastructure is crap etc etc.


@SC1, you mean people's rights to my money? Everyone has the right to work just as hard as I do. I came from nothing and I am very generous in my giving, but I don't think the government distributes my wealth effectively.


What percentage of that money do you think actually ends up in the hands of those that need it?


Agreed, but it goes both ways. A lot of republicans are against gays, until their son is gay. Against abortions, until they need one. Against Obamacare, until it saves them.... the list goes on


Your taxes would be lower if companies paid their fair share. Maybe you should become a little bit more Democratic.

And before you say it, if your salary decreased as an effect, you should blame the company. They don't value their employees.


Every time I see a college kid work three jobs to get through school, and then end up waiting tables instead of doing what they are passionate about...Just because their parents weren't rich...I think that people like you need to be more compassionate, because if you were in their shoes you'd be aggressive assholes


Every time I look at my taxes I think about all the roads, schools, healthcare, firefighters, and national defense we provide each other. Good job, guys!


P2 I watch CNN (fake news I know!). Those things you listed that you oppose seem to be pushed through by your parties leadership so it's difficult to see past that to the members of your party who hold different values.


You believe that throwing money at the problem would solve the issue. My issue is as much with the outcome and allocation of the spend as it is with the amount. Making more people pay more doesn't solve that issue.


My parents were poor. I grew up in subsidized welfare housing. I went to CC for the first year and then transferred. While the student aid and loans helped, it didn't change the fact that I had to make good decisions and work hard. Not sure how tropes like yours help.


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