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Oh the accuracy 🙃😅
If you never lose stuff can you still be ADHD?
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Another thing that I have founs that works for me is when I build a slide and check it for grammar, spelling etc and cant find any errors, i leave my desk for 15- 30 min or focus on something else. Then i come back and review the slide again and i have noticed that almost everytime i find something that needs editing
Yes this !
You can get counseling to help with this. It is actually about as effective as meds and lasts longer
Start internal initiatives to develop note taking support skills and methodology . I have learned a lot from others
I worked at an org that had an initiative to standardize note taking in one note . Then on all projects set up that standard one note to make it easy for everyone .
Copied the template and filled in the blanks for agenda, notes etc . You shouldn’t have to build all these tools from scratch yourself .
One simple hack in Microsoft is to right click on the meeting with will allow you to take notes in one note and attach to the meeting invite OR take notes yourself . It will import the calendar invite into one note for you .Then I copy the template for agenda and notes from day before . This makes a separate notes page for each meeting.
Other option make one ongoing document if recurring meetings so you can search the words doc or one note for key phrases or decisions .
Hardest for me is switching platforms like to google or box . Ugh gotta rebuild the templates. Like it’s not you only — it’s the tool and support
Sleep right, eat right, live in a routine.
The note taking, try all the methods (excel, one note, physical paper notebook), to see which works for you. Then take tons of notes. Also read pyramid principal and try to be structured in thought. Consciously trying to apply structure doesn’t fix my problems outright, but it helps a lot
I use Dynalist Pro for nearly everything personal and work.
Todo lists
Technical information
Personal database
Meeting notes
Project planning
Personal brainstorming
Links with context
And it syncs with calendar. Search works well.
Have access to it from everywhere including mobile
You can create a check list on any app that works for you but the key is to go back and revisit to make sure you’re on the right track pretty frequently. I find that it works best if it’s dynamic and easy to change/make edits. I also feel like making lists that involve tasks on several levels helps. For example, if I set monthly goals, I also set weekly and daily goals that help me accomplish the broader monthly goals. This can apply to work too.. if I have a task, I make sure I identify how it fits into the project overall and then write smaller sub tasks, including steps like “check spelling on slide x”
The other thing that helps me is setting 15 min in the morning and 15 min at night to reorient myself with respect to my goals. I have to do it without thinking, no excuses, just a non negotiable priority I have to attend to every day.
Ofc this all falls apart regularly every few months. Right now I don’t write anything down and am chaotically avoiding my life hahah but when I do get back to being responsible, i usually stick to this system
Meditation daily and therapy (~6 years now) have gotten me to the point where I now enjoy organization and even develop operational process improvement initiatives as a part of my role- so there’s certainly hope!
One thing to remember with ADHD is that your brain simply operates differently/ is overactive, and if channeled appropriately, the hyper focus can very much be a strength to you in structuring and organizing ideas. Meds also help. Reminding myself perfection is not expected and just starting is a huge help.
Def adhd isn’t a disease. It’s just us working different and can be a strength
Note taking: OneNote. Write everything you hear. Then go back and clean it up to make concise notes that make sense. Use Voicememo. Record Nd play it back.
Spelling mistakes: download and install grammarly on your laptop. Very helpful.
For structured thoughts and deck preparation look at others and how they storyboard. Practice. Practice. Put yourself in the clients shoes then reread the deck. If I was the client does this deck tell me the full story? Is it logical? I think it will help.
Create checklists and list your common mistakes and errors. Before turning in your work, go through the checklist one item at a time. Has helped me not get in trouble with my partners or the clients.
About spelling mistakes and typos: READ YOUR DOCUMENTS OUT ALOUD before sending them. That’s been a game changer for me.
Time management. I strictly follow my day journal that I plan the night before. So far, I've been juggling responsibilities better than before.
Planners, checklists and calendars. Try to get yourself used to checking those things. Leave space for notes. For little mistakes like spelling, just read what you have written in a slow and easy manner. Read it aloud if you can. It helps.
I found an ADHD therapist through some adhd website idr which but she’s been helping me a TON with so many great and basic techniques