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YoE -4 years
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How much do you tip on a $10 delivery?
Not exactly how that works but okay 😂
Obviously. More headcount = more company benefits = less revenue per employee.
Two people working on one project is more difficult to manage: the coordination, different work styles, agreeing on who does what, managing conflicts, etc. The associates and VPs do not have the extra time to manage all of these things properly.
Also the ability and motivation to do a detailed and thorough job for clients (which is really what they are paying big bucks for) is very different for the one making $75k versus $150k. It’s just any other run of the mill job to the first, and for the other it’s a highly paid, prestigious position that they are willing to work 80+ hours to keep. The work product of two uncoordinated and unmotivated analysts, will likely be worse than that of one highly intelligent and motivated analyst.
Took the words right out of my mouth. They are paying for an analysts availability and detail orientedness.
9 women can’t make a baby in a month.
Lmao such a VP response
Rising Star
Than they'll lose talent because prestige comes partly from high salaries
This doesn’t work in practice.
Adding another analyst to the same deal team increases total workload for that deal, so it’s not as simple as “double the analysts and halve the workload per employee”
Makes a lot of sense
I think the firm name on a resume has something to do with it as well. I went to law school and business school right out of undergrad, worked in big law, then cofounded a PE fund, so this kind of career path isn’t something I’ve experienced. I’d be curious if anyone out there could give a bit of insight of what the typical (if there is a typical) career path for an analyst at a place like GS is. Very curious.
Am I the only one that thinks 150k isn’t enough for 100 hour weeks?
I’m being serious! From everything I’ve read the analysts are doing grunt work that any business school graduate should be able to complete. It’s the long hours and frequent client demands which are challenging.
Fair point. Then why am I seeing so many articles about ex GS analysts complaining about their time there? It’s a simple trade off. Work 80 hour weeks to get paid double a decent salary. Can’t work 40 hour weeks to be paid a double salary
It’s not the work that’s appealing, since it’s pretty repetitive and boring, it’s the money in itself. They won’t find anyone who is willing to do that job for 40h for just 75k, even if they want to.
But prestige comes with the big name company not because of working hours
The point that I’m making is analysts working at GS aren’t necessarily compensated better than most people in corporate. They’re just working two jobs and being compensated accordingly. The upside is having the prestigie of having GS on your resume which pays dividends down the road.
I work a 40-50 hour work week and could get a second full time job if I wanted to.
This makes more sense if you’re purely comparing rate of pay. But the reality is that most people are unable to work two full time jobs even if they wanted to, and therefore many make half the pay of your typical IB analyst.
The exposure to c-suite leadership, the finance industry, and the skills you develop in IB are also pretty different from your standard corporate job.
Rising Star
It's not that straight forward, you want them to share a 401k, office cubicle, same airplane seat etc too? 😂