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What do you do when you work for a company that has been acquired and everything changes? Everything is remote so there is no in person meetings, we are so busy they have taken all team meetings away and have mandatory overtime. We have lost so many people and I feel that the ones that have stayed are not being appreciated AT ALL! They are not providing ANY type of incentive for the ones who do show up and EVERYONE is getting burnt out. I am looking for another job outside of company.Empower Retirement
We need LPNs at all of our clinics at START Treatment and Recovery Center
Here is the link to apply for the role, and please feel free to contact me at 718-260-2940 or
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This is something that kind of irks me. Other industries have parties that are catered. People show up, have a good time, and scoop food on a plate. Teachers, on the other hand, get to make their own food and everything by themselves, then hork it down since we have no time. Happy Holidays! I'd rather pay money per person and cater it, but that's just me.
Our head of school's secretary sent out an evite for a 45 minute cookies and cocoa gathering. The next day she emailed a spreadsheet for a cookie sign up. A few new teachers asked me if we don't bring cookies does that mean there won't be cookies? One guy said he showed up for the raffle but was afraid to eat a cookie because he didn't bring any. I did not attend nor did 2/3 of the teachers and staff.
nacho bar. easy, caters to a wide variety of needs, and! you can easily ask people to bring bags of chips or salsa without ruffling feathers.
Seems like a lot for one teacher to handle, are you the only one bringing anything? Last year I made a big batch of spiked peppermint coffee and everyone loved it. Plus it's easy to serve.
You can't go wrong with a baked ham during Christmas time. Last year I bought a mini honey glazed one, you just have to pop it in the oven while you cook your other stuff and it'll come out great!
Any kind of pasta ( shorted strands or farfalle) put additions on the sides: shrimp ,veggies, sauces. If you make these very early of the morning and can put into some kind of insulated container should stay warm. Pasta salads, potato salads. May be white elephant /pass the prize game.
Since it’s cold in most places how about a big pot of chili? It’ll stretch pretty far and it’s warm and filling. You can pair it with rice, crackers, cornbread, or bread and butter.
For an adult drinking game try Never Have I Ever…where you ask a bunch of questions and if they’ve done it then they drink
When we have potluck breakfasts or lunch, 2 departments get together and create a signup on a Google sheet. That way, we have 30-25 people chipping in. I hope you’re not expected to pay for all the food. If you’re a small campus and have a Costco nearby, they usually have bake and serve lasagna near the deli.
We’ve played some fun “Minute to Win it” games! They’re easy to find online and the items needed are simple and low cost.
Since you were volunteered I say pizza. You already made those lovely homemade cookies for everyone—that’s enough. Don’t forget to remind the driver to bring cups, plates, and napkins. Done! Merry Christmas!
We had our staff get together last Friday after school at a local restaurant. The principal bought a few appetizers and pitchers of soda. Anyone could then order (and pay) for their own drinks and/or food if they wanted something more or stronger.😉 it was a success and many stayed for several hours hanging out together.
We are assigned by groups. As an example, today was the elective teacher's turn to bring stuff. I helped my daughter make about three-dozen cookies. for me to bring.
Tomorrow is Admin's day. Then is the ELA teacher's day, then Social Studies and the week ends with Math and Science. That way the work gets spread around.
Chili or soup in a crock pot. Make at home and heat up at school. Have a chili cook off, and get others to make food!
Every year we do staff pot lucks the last 10 days before break. Teachers and staff sign up on teams and each day a team brings lunch for the rest of the teams that sign up. Some things we have done include: A potato bar, chili day, sub sandwiches and sides, appetizer day, soup and bread day, Italianfest Day. Only those participate can eat for the day. We have done this for years and everyone LOVES having a nice lunch to look forward to for those last few weeks of school.
Hillbilly caviar: 1 can of chick peas, 1 can of pinto beans, 1 can of kidney beans, 1 can of black beans, 1 can of corn, 2 diced Roma tomatoes, 1 diced purple onion and 1 bottle of Italian dressing. Drain all the cans, dump it all together and mix it up. Let it set over night and serve with tortilla chips.
As for games do 2 truths an lie. Super easy. Have everyone write down 2 truths and 1 lie about themselves and the. Go around and share one by one. Everyone else has to figure out the lie.
Finger foods are easy and fun! Pigs in a blanket, wings, etc. Games: Pin the tail on Rudolph, secret Santa or karaoke Christmas songs.
We had a crock pot feast. We had a sign-up list, and people prepared their favorite crock pot dish, or brought salad, bread, or dessert. One of our teachers brought several gallons of tea (different flavors) for their contribution. It was great!
Any kind of pasta, pizza, tacos. Are you alone preparing this??