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Take it from a former recruiting team member at BCG, the ratio of slots allocated for interviews across offices is 1:7:2 (som,HBS,booth). SOM is getting more slots each year but it’s not even close to HBS. Booth gets much more than SOM, but outside of Chicago office can count on hand.. HBS gets slots allocated every office globally.
I’m sure similar for Mck and Bain too. Great options!
Haven’t read the data on this but still shocked at the pymetrics stuff, it looks so silly lol.
And to ppl asking, GSB would get almost an auto interview tbh, just very few ppl who want to do traditional consulting (which is fair).
HBS - will help shift your mindset too. Regardless of which school you choose, in 5-10 years you will never think of money in the same way. Highly recommend HBS.
Thank you. Value:cost mindset >>> cost mindset
HBS hands down, especially when your other half is a high earner.
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Also look into loans from Harvard U - think they offer them at like 3.5-4% (idk if that’s normal in the US but in my country I’d have to pay 8-10% so this is a steal as an international student)
Take HBS and life will work itself out!
Subject Expert
Lol no, a decent portion of HBS admits are meh, and come from pretty average backgrounds. No school is a golden ticket. School doesn’t mean shit if you can’t perform up to par, or if you have a shit personality.
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HBS - what’s your gross income per year 2020-21-22? Will give a good idea of if you’ll get aid or not.
I think you’ll definitely get need-based aid. The formula takes into account your socioeconomic background to even include where you grew up when you were younger.
I continue to think that if you fastforward 30 years and look back on this decision, the incremental tuition will look like pennies compared to the value of HBS. I would even say the same about Wharton.
People pay way more than 15k/yr for status symbols (eg country clubs) that are far less impressive than HBS.
This was said above but it bears repeating - 10 years after graduating from these schools you will not look at money the same way as you do now
HBS. You’ll most likely receive need-based aid, have you tried out the scholarship calculator tool? It opened up today!
It is very accurate (as long as you accurately input your data) but unfortunately available for admitted students only. It’s the same formula that financial aid will use to calculate your package.
You all physically make me cringe.
“Hey guys I have a full tuition worth 200K and wont take it because one Ivy League is lower on an arbitrary online ranking than another Ivy League, despite many people at my target institutions getting in from both programs”
Finally mustered up the courage to use the FinAid calculator (HBS friend told me to be careful about what I enter) — I was a tad conservative and it spit out $74K of aid/year. Leaning HBS over SOM/Wharton now with this added info. Thank you all!
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Congrats! Mind DMing me OP? Had a few questions - also going to HBS next year :)
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A1, agree with you but it’s okay. I think we just really need to understand it’s NOT just about the stats. My stats are above average maybe, but nothing exceptional. Oh, was a reapplicants (last applied 2 years ago with arbitrary story - story this year far more compelling). Hope it helps!
How’s your financial position? Is the scholarship a huge deal or a “nice to have”?
Tbh huge deal. The $ def matters a lot, given own background and next steps settling down (future spouse is a high earner but contemplating taking pay cut)
Yale SOM was awesome though. You won’t go wrong with any of the choices.
If you're above average at SOM you will get into MBB. Idk why you'd throw 160k down the drain unless you care about prestige/network down the road
Bcg1 the bar for mbb post mba just isn't that high. Top kids head to PM/finance/startups
If we’re looking at interview odds, yes, HBS obviously gets way more slots than SOM. BUT…the comparison should be: average person at HBS vs someone with a full ride at SOM . The latter is IMO probably going to get the same number of invites.
And OP, once you have the interview, your performance on interview day is all that matters.
HBS - fyi I gave up full ride at Wharton if it helps
Thanks for sharing! Would love to hear your thoughts why. Just got offered $60K at W
Thanks, everyone!!! This post really blew up. Not to add to my dilemma lol but got offered a $60K fellowship at Wharton. So - 3 main contenders now; will look into HBS FinAid later tn. Thank you all though!
In that case I’d definitely rule out SOM. Wharton with that money is a lot better. Wharton might even give you more if you threaten to go to HBS (not guaranteed but possible).
See what you get from HBS tho
How did you get into HBS and Wharton but waitlisted at Booth? That makes no sense? Also are you a female or male?
You add no value
Take the tuition at SOM. I went to HBS; my close friend got full tuition at Tuck and went there. 4 years post graduation, and I couldn’t be more jealous of my friend.