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Additional Posts in Politics
That poor woman can't catch a break
Biden sells 3 trillion dollar plan by saying he’ll tax super wealthy but proposal hurts working rich (e.g, $400k - $1m in ordinary income) and not Tech or PE billionaires he claims he’s targeting. Would like to understand perspective of someone who supports proposed tax structure and why it makes sense to keep billionaire average tax rates low and increase taxes for working rich. Unlike billionaires who commonly have effective tax rates btw 10-20%, our rates are way more than secretaries.
Identity politics are the crutch of this nation.
Any websites to follow for early trends?
New to Fishbowl?
unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
Look at that cult praising their bully master
Lol yes how dare CNN devote a lot of coverage to a once in a century pandemic
Absolute legend.... The man is winning in a landslide the writing is on the wall LETS GO
The wall that wasn’t built and Mexico didn’t pay for if I had to guess
If you love any politician you’re a boot licker
Visual Storyteller
I bet most Trump supporters would love to catch Trump’s Covid as a souvenir. Prove me wrong.
All the people giddy over this are the same to cry "ad hom!" and slam the report button if called a "dumb bastard" here
Rising Star
MAGA trash dying poor from COVID at age 43: “He (cough) really owned CNN (wheeze) that one time.”