I wonder how many doctors use adderall or other "performance enhancing drugs" to get through shifts

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Probably more prevelant among our poor residents given how hard we work them...


What's wrong with good, old-fashioned coffee?


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You know what F all those people who say “Why are we wearing masks at work? This sucks!” I am happy we have to, that way I don’t have to smell your disgusting breath in morning or after your lunch. If you have good oral hygiene and don’t want to wear a mask I am cool with you guys/gals. If not, put on a mask to save a life. If your COVID won’t kill us, your bad breath definitely will.


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I got my first flare up of this autoimmune condition 5 days after my first Moderna dose and it’s only gotten worse since (I have been doing treatment). I was doing some research online how covid patients in hospitals got the condition so I wasn’t sure if it would be related to the 2 doses of Moderna vaccine. Just thought I would ask if it happened to anyone else.

Maybe it was just a coincidence too


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I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 12. My family did not opt to put me on medication. I illegally discovered Adderall in college. Worked incredible. Got diagnosed after college & after having been fired from my first job. Passed the CPA exams on Adderall. Went off of it again. I do everything well at my job except for attention to detail within my excel files & emails. Will taking ADHD medication really fix this? Does anyone else have this issue and was it resolved by taking medication?


I need to be on medical leave after all these are over


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You know what F all those people who say “Why are we wearing masks at work? This sucks!” I am happy we have to, that way I don’t have to smell your disgusting breath in morning or after your lunch. If you have good oral hygiene and don’t want to wear a mask I am cool with you guys/gals. If not, put on a mask to save a life. If your COVID won’t kill us, your bad breath definitely will.


Hi All, my date of joining is 26th sep when can I expect onboarding process start like getting laptop and email saying details required on first day?, Kindly post your experience if you joined recently.


Hey IBMers/ex-IBMers,

What is the designation hierarchy in IBM GBS for someone joining as "Advisory Technical Services Specialist" at "7A" band?

Like I would like to know what will be the next designation/band once for me if I get promoted?

YOE: 6 yrs.
Tech Stack: Testing

Thank you in advance!


Hi Fishes

Just wanted to check how is KPMG global services?

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Hi there,

For all those who got the DOJ postponed, did you all get a new DOJ? Or yet to receive? Asking on behalf of new joiner


Anyone here based in Chicago ? I just moved here over a month ago and was looking to see if anyone could offer any advice.
Thank you in advance! 😊

Skip work. Join the parade.


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Hi Folks,
I really want to join Deloitte USI Kolkata, any role that involves SQL, Spark,Azure cloud ( any one skill set is also fine for me)

Yoe - 3.2
Available within a month to join.

Really need your referral guys, never appeared for any interview at USI.



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AMA defines as "repeated, emotionally or physically abusive, disrespectful, disruptive, inappropriate, insulting, intimidating or threatening behavior targeted at a specific individual or a group of individuals that manifests from a real or perceived power imbalance and is often, but not always, intended to control, embarrass, undermine, threaten, or otherwise harm the target.”


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