My whole sleep schedule is fucked up thanks to my husband the teacher, who can sleep in and “give out assignments” for like an hour

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If u dont have kids u dont get it. With remote learning teachers simply post the assignments the morning of or night before and can relax the whole day. Just monitor google classroom messages.


But guys, I thought teachers were working soooooooo hard??? Thanks OP for clarifying. All of my teacher friends are being absolute martyrs.


Yes these teachers should be doing some actual virtual teaching instead of just posting assignments.


Maybe OP's husband is keeping her up at night then sleeps in. Giggity.




Don’t understand why him sleeping in messes up your schedule though?

Was that English? At no point did you even come close to rationalizing a human thought that we can possibly respond to. How would your husband sleeping in have any impact on your sleep schedule whatsoever? Plz fix

Yeah if I has it to do over again, I’d become a teacher for sure.

That’s not the case with my kids - they started online school yesterday and their teachers are posting lectures and holding office hours. This is after every single one of the 3500+ students in my sons’ high school received a phone call from a teacher or staff, making sure they had what they needed to be able to access the online curriculum (the majority of the students in my district are economically at risk and many don’t have computers or access to the internet, so the school was coordinating the distribution of loaners).

Sounds like your husband has a cushy situation - but please don’t paint all teachers with such a broad brush. The teachers I know/that my kids have are working hard to salvage something for their students this semester.

I feel like her husband deserves a medal

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