AITA? If my SO of 1 year wants to get a dog, do I get an opinion? We don’t live together

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She/he wants to get a dog but would keep it at her own place? You can have an opinion but you don’t get a vote if that’s the situation. At least in my opinion. If her/him having a dog might prevent you two from moving in together in the future (e.g., allergies, fear of dogs) then bring it up now.


Or are you asking if you get a voice in what kind of dog? If that’s the case I’d suggest a golden retriever or a Weimaraner. 😊


You don’t live together and it’s only been 1 year in a relationship. You don’t really get a say. Why are you so against him having a dog?


OP, it sounds like you're an insecure person. Not saying that to offend you but I think if you're feeling that way, you should recognize it and be able to say it to your partner so they can help provide you reassurance. If what you want is to build a future together, then that's never unreasonable. You're allowed to want things but you're not allowed to tell him whether or not he's getting a dog.

It's scary but try telling him that you feel that you're getting left behind by him getting a dog and it feels like you're left out of his life. He doesn't have to say he won't get a dog but he should at least reassure you that you are important to him and he wants to build a future with you too (if that's what he really wants). In any case, if he gets a dog now, you both can get a dog together in the future too. The more dogs the better ❤


If you aren’t taking care of the dog, you don’t get a say.


Haha to clarify, I’m not thrilled about him getting a dog…I basically told him that it’s his decision but it would affect me a lot and I would prefer him not to get a dog *yet*. Is this controlling? Do I even get a say?

Definitely controlling. You guys aren’t that serious yet and realistically if he listened to you and you broke up eventually then he wasted all this time not getting a dog.

Wow this is literally my situation. Except I’m the one who wants a dog. Had the conversation yesterday and I’m not getting a dog yet

How did the convo go? How do you feel about it?

Have you guys talked about moving in together and is there a timeline for that? Based on your below responses, you want to get the dog together, not for them to get the dog now, so I would very clearly state that that's why you don't want them to get a dog now, and perhaps that opens up the door to a moving in together convo.

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