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Fave thing to do around town?
Who's going to porchfest this weekend?
Beautiful main street bridge

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This is fishbowl, not plenty of fish lol
Plenty of fish in the fishbowl
Head out to St. Augustine and try a few places out there.
St Augustine would be worse than Jax, no? I’m just imaging tourist and old people
It sucks. I will say since you're a dude I'd hope it'd suck less for you, as a woman a lot of the dudes popping up are in the navy (aka expect you to want to move w them when they transfer again, been burned there).
Are you in actual Jax or outskirts? Actual Jax has a decent amount of women in nursing, banking, logistics etc just looking around my friend group lol
I’m in actual Jax, like close to the beach. Anybody single in your friend group? Lol
31F here it sucks, gotta expand your radius to atleast Orlando 😆
Too far for me 😂
Jax isn’t far from Orlando 🤣
It’s possible my friend, we just have to look for solutions