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Hey! PwC Deloitte Accenture EY KPMG MBA degree (if it really matters) 3 years in a smaller consulting company, 2 years leading Global and National expansion for two companies. 5 years working in banking and wealth management. Currently a Manager leading the wealth management strategy.
Currently in Georgia, open to relocation to Texas or New York if needed but would really appreciate guidance as well as a referral. Looking to make a pivot back into the industry I have a passion for.
What are your opinions about potential big4 layoffs in m&a tax? Campus hiring starting next year so I don’t have a good idea of what people are thinking at the firm. I know m&a is typically not where you want to be in a recession so I’m curious about job security starting next year. Any insights/opinions would be appreciated. EY PwC Deloitte KPMG
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It’s not about time. It’s about comfort level with cases. That depends highly on the individual. Some people need 6+ months and are still not comfortable. Others are good with 2-3 days prep. Obviously extreme examples but you get the point. If you’re not ready push back the interview as much as you can.
Agree with BA1. Don’t listen to people who get all high and mighty and say “too long”, etc. for every one that only did 1 week and made it there are tons that didn’t.
Being someone who went thru the processes 3 times BA1 is exactly right that some need 6+ months to get comfortable and good enough to reliable get an offer and some only need 2-3 days. Just figure out your own need and then be confident about it!!
i personally only had the time to prep for 3 days because my prev job in banking was ridiculously busy during that time. honestly would say it’s what you make of your own time though. i chose to focus more on having strong PEI stories and structuring / articulating my thought process well vs just doing a ton of mock cases. for some people, repetition works best, but for others, having some space for flexibility / on the spot thinking works better
If you need more than 1 month, it’s probably not a great fit tbh. Since you’re already a consultant (I assume) and have some idea of tbt work & thinking process, I’d shoot for ~5 practice cases with (ex-)mck people (friends or via the coaching platforms.
M2 all high and mighty. Bad take and advice. Literally going to get people to waste their interviews.
It depends on how much previous prep you have and how good you’re at it
@D2 Hey!! Great let me message you - it would most probably be for next week as I need to prep a bit
Mck will give you more time if you ask
Yes thats what i've been told! I'm just debating if that extra time is really necessary. I know some people prep for 3-5 months, and others in a week or two, so I'm trying to determine how much time will be enough for me. I know that the longer I have, the more i'll stress and overthink it, so I think I wont ask for more than a month