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Not a minimalist.
They're all good dogs, Brent.
Me sort of but only because I live in a tiny shoebox apartment
Yes. Try to balance that with frugality though. Sometimes stockpiling makes sense.
Yes! I think minimalism helps you be a more mindful, purposeful consumer! You don't have the mentality of needing to fill a space or needing to replace items that are broken or out of date.
This is a little cliche but read "The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up". Dont watch the tv show but read the book. The tv show focuses too much on the people's lives as opposed to Kondo's mentality and thought process.
I read the book and it helped me become more of a minimalist. The biggest takeaway is every item in your home should "spark your joy" or have a purpose and be used frequently. Even items that were gifted to you, despite not costing you anything, take up valuable space in your home. This has made me critical of things I spend money in and bring into my home.
Not an extreme minimalist but trying !
I'm a hoarder
Yes (i hope so), but is there ever an objective way to tell?
I’m a partial minimalist. I’m in a 600 sq ft apartment so everything I own fits comfortably here. Working my way to more minimalism but find it hard to get rid of stuff I end up using once a year.
How would you define that OP?
Yes working hard at it everyday.
I’m a hoarder, and have been thinking about adopting a minimalist lifestyle. I can definitely benefit from any advice anyone is willing to give. I’ve gotten pretty good at not buying things that have no purpose, but struggle in getting rid of things accumulated over the years that have objective value.
Read Marie Kondo's Life-changing Magic of Tidying up. She has a bunch of thoughts on stuff just taking up space in your home but not sparking your joy. She helped me reconcile some of my guilt of getting rid of stuff