How often do you think you will be traveling in 2022 with COVID mostly behind us? In the final interview/negotiation stages with an agency focused on pharmaceutical marketing as an Account Manager. Offer states up to 30% travel (but was told 20% is more realistic). No further info given such as location of accounts I'd be working on or a baseline other AMs travel. Feels like a red flag. Not interested in much travel. Quarterly is manageable. Any insights from others in similar roles??
AM at an agency doing congress/trade show work for a pharma. Travel is cyclical/seasonal and dependent on what therapeutic areas your working on - but your travel will peak in late spring early summer, then again in the fall. They probably can’t give you a good answer because there’s so many variables. Right now I COULD be gone from the end of may through mid-June with the show schedule, but we’ve shifted things around for the sake of work life balance, which means I’ll only be gone a week at the end of April and a week in the beginning of June. Keep speaking up about your needs and if you have a good team you should be able to strike a balance.