I always thought mid life crisis was when you get to mid life and realize you are never going to be all you thought you would be.

I turned out better than I imagined on all dimensions, and I’ve discovered a different kind of midlife crisis. The “ok, so now what?” Crisis.

Tell me someone else has this, and what do you do about it?

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Always the D.


Noooooo not at all!! Im not judging you… it was genuinely a joke and im genuinely happy you turned out better than expected. Im not being sarcastic at all. Not at all, please dont apologize!


I have had more of the first kind of mid life crisis. I haven’t achieved all I thought I would in some ways or had exactly the life I thought I would would. If you would have asked me at age 15 if this is what almost 50 looks like, I would be shocked at how different it is than what I imagined. On the other hand, I ended up doing things I never imagined for myself. So, life just turned out way different. Disappointing in some ways, cool in other ways.

I guess I do struggle with the “what now” too especially as I am approaching 50. There is still so much more life to live and I don’t know if this life I have now is how I want to spend another 30 or 40 years.


Yes me. I am happy where I am at professionally and personally and now I’ve changed focus and my next big mission is to be an age grouper in Ironman.


I had a period like this for a while, but now I have some new professional and personal challenges. Although, I do have mid-life crises every few years. Something will come up! Maybe a life coach would help? Life changes all the time, enjoy the good times!


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