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⭐️Educators ✏️,have the last couple of years taken a toll leaving you with even more demands on your time? You deserve a break! That's why we are so excited for our new #sparkofstem #coffee ☕️Break Series - presented by @astrazeneca
✨Join us this week on November 11th to hear from Jason Lindsey @hookedonscience ! Jason Lindsey will be sharing exciting #holiday 🎄& #STEM activities for the #classroom that you won't want to miss! ✨
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I have been interviewing at Tavisca for a month long, thanks to there recruiter, already tole my expectation upfront, Now after all the tech rounds, HR round happened and told again my expectation INR X lpa Hr was like ok, will go ahead, now after someday, he says that we dont have budget and cannot go further. Then I told them I already hold an offer and will share which is INR X+ lpa
After trying for few more days finally they told that they can offer INR (X-10) lpa, Looked like a joke to me
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